Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mammal V. Reptile Rates Of Cellular Respiration


On September 21, 2010 at 18:30 pm CONCENTRATION (opposite the Ministry of Education).

To stop the deterioration of child education in the Community of Madrid

* NO the auction and the privatization of Children Schools

* NO the increased ratio in classrooms

* NO Decree 2008 funding

In defense of a quality education for all stage 0-6. See you there! ..... "Doing nothing will make us lose"

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Degenerative Spine Disease C3-c4


need to collect performance data from all schools that have been auctioned so in 2009/10 as in 2010/11.

We have received isolated complaints during the past year on the operation of the schools that went to certain companies, if we want effective complaints we systematize , why we aim to constantly monitor the centers. To This requires the active collaboration of all / I professionals and families who are in schools that have changed managers, and have been at low key in the economic project.

We want to know how the educational project, which is the state of the profession, if you care or not feeding the children, which families receive care and what is the degree of participation allowed in the school of their children, etc.., etc. Only

track every day we ensure that young children do not pay the consequences of irresponsible policy, and populist penny-pinching economy that puts the right to a quality education that all children have. Professionals on the stage of early childhood education with working conditions worthy. That families can exercise their right to participate in the education of their children.

Therefore, we ask you to rigor, but without fear, we should do to get all the information to be reported, however insignificant they may seem. I suggest you do, do not write on the blog, but e-mail: this will ensure the anonymity necessary in this case.

announced, that within a month or so, you're ready to publish the report on the investigation with a team from the Autonomous University of Madrid, we have (in the data collection helped many professionals and families) on the problem that generated the ratio increased from 16 to 20 children in group two years . I invite you, the public event, where he will perform the same.

Nothing is irreversible. In Childhood Education 0-6 (especially in the cycle 0-3), we have regressed in Madrid more than 20 years, however we can recover what we lost and it better. What we miss! Much depends on us and society as a whole

! Not lose heart! Only do nothing we will lose.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Clairol Hydrience Expiration Date

The Fitting your child in school

Talk about back to school. If you want to see it click here

What To Put On Wedding Invitations In Rhyms


started with a feeling of sadness and frustration for more than fifty schools that suffered the auction last July ......


Yes, full of hope, of desire, commitment to early childhood education, but also full of unknowns, in frustration at his loss, lack of awareness of rights and needs of younger children, the lack of commitment to care for children showing the Community of Madrid, when it should be more concerned (because it alone has the power to do so) to offer children the best early childhood education, which had until 2008 and improve it.

However, the deteriorating year after year, the leaves and privatization, not to make it better and offer more quality, just to make it cheaper, but this worsens the childcare, nutrition and working conditions of their professionals. The course begins now will not be easy.

know that we do not see nearly 500 comrades who were expelled from their centers in the month of July, because they went to "auction" and lost. Had good educational projects but that did not matter to the Ministry of Education, just wanted to leave him "cheap", free if possible, even at the expense of children and the extreme precariousness of the employment of professionals.

We wonder why only raised save by lowering the quality of early childhood education and precarious, even more, the working conditions of professionals, when so many economic games in which the waste is evident and that no touch?

know that nobody will answer these or other questions, be denied the most and once again the Minister will say: "Quality in schools is the same as usual."

We who believe that kindergarten is the right of children who have been in this many years, say no, that quality is not the same, or similar, year after year has been attacking, reducing stealing children that right and, their families, information on what has to be a public service of quality education for their children.

By this we mean that we can not stand idle. We need to continue fighting for:

- Defending a quality education for all stage 0 - 6.

- Demanding respect for our dignity as professionals.

- disappear minimum decrees and financing 2008.

- That the creation (increase) in places and centers are not at the expense of worsening that is.

- Because families can exercise their right to intervene in school, in relation to the education of their children.

- Making Public Network of Children Schools and Children's Homes is truly public.