Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Car Floor Mats With High Heels


UGT in its publication "Mano a Mano", section of Public Instruction, in the corresponding number from 17 to 24 January has been published:


The Madrid distributed a press release on December 28 with the title "The judges support the Order of address Community School Children," citing FETE-UGT and giving information in a biased way. This has led to serious inaccuracies in the news published subsequently by the media who have collected the news

FETE-UGT appealed to the TSJM Order 3885/2008 of 30 July, regulating the appointment of Director of Children Schools direct management of the Community of Madrid . On October 30, 2010, is the TSJM sentencing, section seven, which was notified on December 9, in that case the claim is estimated partially deducted from the claim filed by FETE-UGT, namely that the imposition system "dedocrático, the free appointment of directors and directors is contrary to law.

Thus, in the Fifth Legal Grounds of the Judgement states that the estimate should be part of this action with regard to art. 2 of the decree violates the rules, particularly the Education Law, 2 / 2006, dated May 3, LOE.

Consequently, while in the grounds of appeal sought to void the order for two different reasons, not been negotiated and violate the rules, the second reason was estimated resource.

The arguments have been echoed in the media are not true because, as pointed out by the Order 3885/2008, the Community of Madrid, needs to be revised in regard to their art. 2 to self-designation of Directors and enforce the provisions of art. 135.1 LOE, which for the selection of principals in public schools, convened on merit ...

The system "dedocrático" sought by the Community of Madrid for designation directors has been declared illegal by this ruling, on the other hand, plays a former TSJM, section eight.

Chávarri Joaquin (Legal Office of FETE-UGT)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Adv And Disadv Of Dbms

Course Objectives Welcome

  1. BLOG or weblog to exchange e d
  2. information and experiences reflect on EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES of ICT resources.
  3. To explain and discuss ICT educational resources for the development of BASIC SKILLS .
  4. provide teachers EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES AND LINKS to ensure the quality of education with the incorporation of ICT.
  5. motivate teachers in the Materials Development own original means and resources.
Web 2.0

The term Web 2.0 was coined by Tim O'Reilly in 2004 to refer to a second generation in the history of the Internet services offered with the emergence of new services such as social networks , blogs or wikis that foster collaboration and the flexible exchange of information between users. Web 2.0 is also called social web for the collaborative approach that has permeated the internet.
This new focus on Internet use also has a strong impact education for new applications and services it generates. The education blog, wikis, professional networks, syndication, online office applications ... have implemented new ways of using the network.

Friday, January 7, 2011

How Long Can An Open Can Of Anchovies Last


To each and all who read our blog we wish him well in this 2011 both personally and professionally.

That change of year does not mean the problems go away, we know that either professionals Childhood Education 0-6, we carry a long list of difficulties and frustration for years. We see how the Minister of Education strives to deny over and over deteriorating living Childhood Education in Madrid, as if they could fool those who live day to day problems in schools.

But if anything marks us out as professionals in this stage is the desire to change things, commitment to education with children, families and ourselves, but we are realistic and know that it is difficult that our educational administration is insensitive to the plight of the young and their professionals, however far we have to paralyze spur, as a lever to fight injustice and unreasonableness of denying children the right to quality education and professional dignity and respect they deserve. Therefore

2011 that started this has to be a year of vindication for a 0-6 Childhood Education that is of the highest quality that takes into account the needs and interests of children in both cycles, which respects their rights, the professionals and families. It must be the year in which our Study on the Impact of Decree 18/2008 be taken into account to rectify what has been destroyed, fleeing paternalistic and false statements as does the Ombudsman for Children in the Community of Madrid, in its report highlights same problems as the study of the Board of Spokesmen and the team at the Autonomous University of Madrid as the overcrowding of classrooms, lack of space, overflow of professionals by increasing ratio, lower professional commitment of each child and families, etc.. (Read both reports), but the Ombudsman concludes that "the quality of early childhood education is not affected since professionals are very good and work hard."

Our study, among other concludes that despite the efforts of profesionaesl, quality has suffered badly. It is impossible to maintain otherwise when we find that not everything, but we are exhausted, you have to alter the routine because it gives us time, we can not respect the rhythm of each child because "not reached", that their autonomy is mediated. . . . .

no right to lead a professional to a situation of frustration because they can not give children everything they need. If we also consider the training of professionals has disappeared, there are fewer spaces for reflection in computer and working conditions, hours, wages, etc., have hardened some, precarious other, causing a high turnover in schools, we must conclude that privatization of the Network of Children Schools and Children's Homes is intended only for the Community of Madrid spend less on education and some companies earn more.


despite all this:! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

College Cultural T Shirts


Thursday, January 6, 2011

South Park Watch Online Subs

Location: CEIP Laza Palacio. Rincon de la Victoria
Date: 12/01/2011 16/02/2011 the
Hours: 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m..
Number of hours: 40
sessions: 18pm. in six sessions.
Non-contact: 22h. justified sent for home tasks and essential for certification of 40h.

This Blog is designed for the training of Module II School 2.0 Tic. It will be our meeting point to share experiences, questions and information. Try along This training, incorporate ICT tools into our methodology of work in the classroom .