- BLOG or weblog to exchange e d
- information and experiences reflect on EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES of ICT resources.
- To explain and discuss ICT educational resources for the development of BASIC SKILLS .
- provide teachers EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES AND LINKS to ensure the quality of education with the incorporation of ICT.
- motivate teachers in the Materials Development own original means and resources.
Web 2.0
The term Web 2.0 was coined by Tim O'Reilly in 2004 to refer to a second generation in the history of the Internet services offered with the emergence of new services such as social networks , blogs or wikis that foster collaboration and the flexible exchange of information between users. Web 2.0 is also called social web for the collaborative approach that has permeated the internet.
This new focus on Internet use also has a strong impact education for new applications and services it generates. The education blog, wikis, professional networks, syndication, online office applications ... have implemented new ways of using the network.
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