Prize: $ 25,000,000
Submissions: Monday 25 to Wednesday April 27
PDF Bases: National Short Story Prize 2011 Bogotá
Some points about the contest:
1. Font: Times New Roman, size 12
2. Spacing: double
3. Margins: 3cm x 3cm x 3cm x 3cm
4. Printing: letter size paper (216mm x 279mm) on one side
5. Pages numbered
6. Include an index at the end which relates the title of each stories.
7. The work must be unpublished in its entirety, free theme and be comprised of no fewer than nine (9) stories and not exceeding fifteen (15) stories with a minimum of sixty (60) and a maximum of one hundred thirty ( 130) pages.
8. Stories should be written by one author, not to be awarded or obtained in any other competition entries, or be involved in other calls.
Further information: w ww.culturarecreacionydeporte.gov.co
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