Monday, March 14, 2011

Pediatrics Accepting New Patients In Toronto


To Cayo Lara, Zapatero has given "a new twist on the rights of employees"

The federal coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara, said that the attitude of the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, to support one of the measures included in the Pact for the Euro, as an adjustment of wages to productivity, is "a new twist on the rights of employees and takes a step in the direction he has taken and why you need a political funeral."

This manifested itself in Dos Hermanas (Sevilla) IU federal responsible for measures to be adopted on Friday the euro zone leaders at the request of Germany, while noted that the fact that Zapatero has agreed to link wages to competitiveness means that "will once again punish employees in Spain, where the minimum wage is meager, with four million unemployed." Lara also criticized the few " technology investments, "driven the same for" companies and the State "and recalled that according to Cayo Lara is" to make countries competitive. "

Meanwhile, Lara criticized the president accepts the proposals of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, but "what counts is not the technology we are buying German and English young people are have to go to that country to continue strengthening it. "

addition, the federal coordinator, has said the government move to link wages to productivity is another example of the direction that this government has lost. Is a measure that means in terms of popular there is a further cut the purchasing power of workers in our country. "" This is a country with a low minimum wage, with 4,700,000 unemployed and many workers earn less than 1,000 euros, as well as enterprises have difficulties in productivity, and would have been more accurate to state that you have to do is link the benefits to employment generation, "he said.

The extent to Cayo Lara, "is an insult to the intelligence of the people and the suffering of those who are suffering so much" and gave as an example that "Telefónica has signed a year with more than 10,000 million euros, but will to allocate 600 million to fire workers in a future conversion. " Thus, understood that "there should be criminal offense benefits companies lay off workers, and that Zapatero should have been targeted if it is dignity about the social dough that led to the Moncloa.


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