2.2 Expte: C 499/10 RGEP
4746 Author / Group: Socialist parliamentary group.
Recipient: Ms. Minister of Education.
Subject: Conditions for the award of public kindergartens indirect management. Attached documentation.
In order to clarify the reasons for the appearance, the floor, on behalf of the proponent, Mrs. Peinado by up to five minutes.
Ms. PEINADO VILLEGAS: Thank you, Madam President. Madam Minister, I want to first thank the willingness that has been to talk with the parents of St. James College of Villanueva de la Cañada, through the Deputy Minister of Organization. Go ahead my thanks.
Now, we return once again to bring to this House the issue of school children from zero to three years, and I think for you the new early childhood education. I know this is an issue that you would get tired and bored, because it says we are always with the same string. Anyway, I do not like to talk about childhood education. He does not like to talk about early childhood education because the program's Party 2007, when referring to children of zero, one and two years, the main promise you did, and their commitment star, was not maintaining the quality of the public nursery schools and children's homes, it was not to extend this network to cover the demand in this cycle by the society of Madrid. His political star and his commitment was to extend the check childcare assistance given by the Community of Madrid for families to bring their children to private kindergartens, with an amount which, of course, fails in many cases not to cover the third the cost of a place in a center like this, but argued for public education and quality child, and that once we checked. When you arrived in 2008, when he did not have a year as Advisor Education, it was up to change the decrees of minimum requirements, and decided to do to grow, as we have repeatedly stated, a move that seems very harmful to children of zero, one and two years, modifying the minimum requirements, increase the number of children per classroom, especially in the two-years, passing from 16 to 20, reducing the number of professionals who serve them, reducing the requirements for certification of professionals in these schools and also reduce the need for adequate physical space children. He continued with another series of measures including the reduction of a section in the fees paid by families, so they become dues that are no longer progressive and in many cases are unfair and there is a clear lack of equity.
But today we come to talk about funding, because in September 2008 on that career you have been given such a hurry to change the whole system and the model we had in Madrid in September, as I say, adopting a financing decree which modifies the administrative specifications for the allocation of indirect management of those schools with this approach, and these new specifications for what they do is that over the pedagogical and educational projects, is what Save the Community of Madrid, that's what matters most: how much is saved Madrid therein. Because you, as yet dare not get rid of the nursery, what it does is keep his title, but, in fact, what you are doing is privatized.
began, as I say, equating the terms of the public to private schools with minimal modifications to the decree, but continued lowering the maximum management. You do not want to spend money, no budget and no public resources to maintain children's education, you just want to take care checks.
Ms. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basins): Go in conclusion, Your Honor.
PEINADO VILLEGAS: child education you weigh, because it is heavy commitment to education in the section zero, one and two years for this segment because you only what it claims is that families have a place to leave their children, but not sites where they can provide good care but purely educational assistance, and knows it very well. For checks that are nursery, is not it, and I wanted to save all this money on nursery schools. What happens is that he has a small problem that you fall into a serious contradiction, because on one hand, committed no schools, but then was forced, with the plan of Educa 3 Ministry of Education, which never says, but for that I am, to remind him, "to build 23 primary schools, 22 more thanks to Plan E of the Government of Spain, which you do not like to say, in fact, try skipping standards and do not even advertise on billboards that advertise the work of these centers have been forced to put into place. I think it falls into contradiction because, although he does not believe in day care, then you love to say that this year there are 56 new primary schools. But what you would have liked is not to build these schools for children, but have used those resources to check maintenance care.
Ms. VICE PRESIDENT FIRST (Cifuentes Basins): My Lord, it concludes.
Ms. PEINADO VILLEGAS: I conclude now. Look, Madame Figaro, the new funding model makes it very clear to all that I'm saying, you do not believe in the education of zero, one and two years. Can not call children's education to what you are trying to promote in the public, which until two years ago was a network of high quality reference for the entire English State. I hope you tell me what your assessment of the financing system, which I know will be good for you, but tell me if you would rather have given more school vouchers to kindergartens. Thanks.
Ms. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basins): Thank you, Your Honor. Madam Minister, you have to expound on the subject of the hearing by maximum of fifteen minutes.
Ms. MINISTER OF EDUCATION (Figar de Lacalle): Thank you, Madam President. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you requested the attendance of the Minister of Education this afternoon as it gives me the opportunity to recall that when I arrived at the Ministry of Education there are 348 primary schools and 24,500 positions from zero to three, and at the end of this year 2010 - 2011 there will be 464 school children and 44,000 seats. In these three years, we have therefore increased by 120 the number of nursery schools and created more than 20,000 places zero to three years. Also check the evolution of care in this Legislature, marked by the crisis has been remarkable, because we have increased by 34 percent the number of beneficiaries. Will grow, and has grown this year, the budget of the aid, we will distribute a total of 34 million euros, which will allow us to reach over 1,500 families in Madrid to reach 31,000 beneficiaries. So, ladies and gentlemen, in crisis, we continue opening new nursery schools and children's homes, 56, nothing more and nothing less, in this course, the extension of existing and spreading and increasing the number of beneficiaries of so-called day care checks. Lady
Peinado, you know perfectly well that the network of public facilities of the Community of Madrid is heterogeneous, consisting of nursery and children's homes, some owned by the municipality, other entitlements of the Community of Madrid, direct management or indirectly, and so on.
management models are different, but both models, direct or indirect management, are coexisting almost since the beginning of the public in Madrid since 1985. Throughout this time, this coexistence has not been the subject of complaint by any family, and I think, Your Honor, and I assure you because all primary schools, not only in terms of funding but also in working order are subject to the same rules, so families get a consistent public service within the Community of Madrid regardless of ownership or management model for each center. The operation of schools, organization, schedules, services, requirements and qualifications of personnel, as well, something very important, because it is not so in some Autonomous Communities ruled by you, the fees paid by families is exactly the same in the 440 nursery schools and children's homes that are operating in the region. This embodies the model of school children in the community of Madrid, and requirements for competitions run under the responsibility of ensuring that this remains so. Hence, families are not disrupting any technical issues and appraisals you have done here this afternoon and has been doing the last three years. It is important to remember because when you question the indirect management of primary schools of the Community of Madrid in the final analysis of what is doubtful is the capacity of teachers and educators. So I want to stress that all nursery schools and homes children of the Community of Madrid have first-professional teams with knowledge and proven ability to care for children.
I explained at the time in the Assembly in 2008, when we proceeded to modify the administrative terms and conditions that govern the management contracts for school children, we were adapting, Your Honor, is not a whim- Act, the Public Sector Procurement 2007. The sheets-you know-contained, first, technical soundness criteria according to which entities tenderers must certify that the object corresponds to the end of the object of the contract and also also required financial solvency and technical training. In short, Your Honor, all the winning companies that manage primary schools in the Madrid educational sector are companies that have personnel with proven experience and proven, because any company that aspires to be awarded a management contract must meet these requirements I said minimum, and only once the technical competence takes into account other criteria or goals for awarding the contract.
We, Your Honor, I have explained, we evaluated 55 points the educational project, organizational and personnel carrying out the educational project, and 45 the proposed price; ie the most weight in the award of these contracts -55 points, is based on qualitative rather than quantitative criteria. In those 55 points value issues such as pedagogical, the action plan for students with special educational needs, school organization, the project initiation into English, the recruitment of native English and so forth. There are, of course, a quantitative assessment of the offer, which is the economic proposals made by each entity tendering for the concepts of education or extended hours dining.
This model contract documents, Your Honor, contributes in First, to preserve and guarantee the quality of primary schools of the Community of Madrid to the extent that it provides an appropriate balance between the qualitative-55 percent-and quantitative financial offer, which is 45 percent. Therefore, our focus is on quality of service, but also give effect to the principle of competitive.
And another way, Your Honor, that is you can easily check how balanced it is our model of contract documents is compared with that of other administrations. For example, Your Honor, with the Government of the nation, she also takes contests nurseries and schools in particular Children's Defense Ministry, with the English military bases. The terms of this statement, they, however, count 50 points of the financial bid plus 25 points of service support, meaning that 50 percent of the valuation depends on the financial offer is made. Do you understand, my lord? Ie, they value the financial offer which is evaluating the Community of Madrid in what you call hidden privatization, poor quality, end the sector which until recently was an example, and so on. The specifications of the Government of the socialist nation, Your Honor, in day care that they take over the supply score what is economic punctuating the Community of Madrid. Conclusion: the publicly owned primary schools under the Government of the nation, first, also opt for indirect management and economic value score, and most of the Community of Madrid, and some companies have been awarded to primary schools of Socialist Government, Your Honor, so companies have been in Madrid. So, Your Honor, I have not even clear whether your problem is the indirect, which is the model chosen by the national government and socialist mayors, or what bothers him is that the valuation is given more weight to the financial offer to the educational project. In either case, your honor, you will have a problem or discrepancy with their own party colleagues, starting with the defense minister and certainly not with the Government of the Community of Madrid. Lady
Peinado, find that I am happy to discuss this issue every time it takes, and you certainly do not have problems because there are no complaints, are the parents who have their children in public primary schools , who believe they are getting a quality service that their children are cared for by professionals first and also benefit from quotas, seniority, which are among the lowest ever in Spain, shares, Your Honor, which allow payment for the service they are receiving, figures well below the actual cost of the seats, and that is the same throughout the school network the Community of Madrid, whether the municipality to be provided for families demonstrating the same economic status, ie to the same income, no matter where one lives, you pay the same rate or the same fee. Honor, compare with those of the regions where the ruling PSOE, because of course are among the lowest.
Again, I think the important thing is that in this course we will reach a record of 464 schools children, 44,000 public spaces of zero to three years, and these must be added "we must not forget either," beds in private schools 4604 conventions, a figure that remained stable, and 31,000 day care checks, which are 1,500 more than last year, we are delivering to help families cover the cost of approved private nurseries that have chosen for their children whose fees are not the same as those supported in public kindergartens. Is a network that stands for quality, which continues to grow, and we, Your Honor, I always say, we opted to increase and enhance this two ways: increasing public places and increase the number of nursery schools in the Community Madrid.
You're talking about Educa3 Plan or the 20 seats of Plan E, which in any case, Your Honor, will be an election of the municipality that receives funds and who decides, with those funds, making kindergartens. I say this because it happens in all the same, or is not awarded on merit to Mr Zapatero. With the funds received by the municipality have decided to make an infrastructure or another. In any case, your honor, since I have implemented Advisor 120 schools, which, I have no hesitation in acknowledging that we make joint efforts with the national government in some schools, when a mayor chooses to allocate funds Plan E to make nursery schools, but, my lord, you also recognize the efforts of the Ministry to launch 120 new schools and, above all, contribute towards the running costs, which is what most weight at the end once implemented. In addition, Your Honor, I always say very clearly, we have increased child care checks, because we believe they also help to realize the principle of equal opportunities and freedom of choice, because they are the same prices as those paid in a nursery Private and many families are left out or have no access or prefer to take their children to private nursery and also have a right to any financial assistance by the Government. We have gone from 20,000 to 31,000 checks kindergarten, 1,500 more than last year, and I hope, my lord, that in future budgets we can continue to increase as the number of nursery schools.
schooling from zero to three years and longer-term in our community is almost twice the English average, Your Honor, which is 26.7 percent, placing us at the European level, if we compare the Community Madrid with the rest of Europe, just behind Denmark and the Netherlands, which, Your Honor, I think it is thanks to massive investment effort of the Government of the Community of Madrid. Only in 2010, the Ministry of Education will allocate to the stage of zero to three, which is not free nor compulsory, 160 million euros. So, Your Honor, I think our policy and our commitment to quality service is provided at the stage of zero to three we have maintained and can be credited even in times of economic crisis or budgetary constraints as we live . Thank you very much, Madam President. (Applause on the benches of the Popular Group ").
Ms. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basins): Thank you, Madam Minister. Open the speaking time of the parliamentary groups. First, on behalf Izquierda Unida, has the word Mrs. Cowboy for maximum time of ten minutes.
Ms. Gomez COWBOY: Thank you, Madam President. Socialist Group thank you very much for bringing us this hearing today to discuss the new contracts for school children. After listening to the Minister, must tell you that today I liked to talk more about quantity than quality, Madam Minister, I've noticed in your speech, because the quality really have it hard enough with what is falling in the Community of Madrid in public kindergartens indirect management.
Lady Counsellor, since you came to the Ministry of Education, I have said many times, maintained a firm commitment from the very beginning: to implement all measures required to finish dismantling the public education model in this community. When you came to this community found a child-education model is what I have said on other occasions, it was the best in the state, and we will have the misfortune of letting you go the worst model of all. Man!, I would not wish to go, I suppose that this internal promotion may have lingering some expectations to the Minister of Education.
of no use for this cruel economic crisis has demonstrated to the clear and convincing that its social model, based on the privatization of the public, is proving a complete failure, "that what is being-and that is not true that the market will regulate itself, and that private institutions to better manage public. Moreover, if something has been sufficiently demonstrated is that the public is now more necessary than ever, and therefore is required to intervene to save private. Look you, Madam Minister, that if we translate what I just said to the reality of the school children of the Community of Madrid, we see that the model is becoming more sustainable in terms of quality, quality of employment which These produce and, above all, quality of education that children enjoy, it is the children's school-based public governance. That should make us reflect.
As I said, the abuses that take place in certain primary schools the lack of control can only lead to a scenario of disorder, abuse and loss of rights, which is ultimately what is happening in some of these schools. If at any stage of education has been able to fully develop its strategy, as I said, has been in early childhood education, specifically in the first stage of the education system stage, as I said, was launched in this Commonwealth under its exclusive competence, with a quality model that has been not only benchmark of quality throughout the state, but beyond. What he is doing with the education of children in this community, probably because the lack of a basic regulation is leaving it fairly easy, that's not entirely his responsibility, "is to replace the public education model that created the network public primary schools by the economic model, privatization and welfare that we are imposing. This strategy is well structured and planned by his Government and his Ministry.
First, we have said here were the mockery of quality assumed minimum decrees of 2008: more children per class, per site less professional, less space and required qualifications for professionals to be. That, Madam Minister, it is more quality in any way that could mean higher quality. Then the attack on equal opportunities through inward also been said, for families with higher incomes, who were rewarded with a rebate of 200 euros on the share, while the most economically disadvantaged I removed the zero quota. You shook me once, at a question from my group, but you did not tell the truth then. Removed zero quota, and the result was immediate. You know, are disappearing from schools for children of families unable to pay the minimum fee 45 euros, precisely the children most in need, poor or impoverished families have to look for life as they can and are becoming more. That, Madam Minister, it is not quality.
As if all this were not enough, taking advantage of the new decree of funding, last year decided to change the specifications for new contracts in schools. Our group and also warned, through a question in this House, of the risks posed these new specifications and that we came over, but his Ministry, an expert on the privatization of education in Madrid, designed strictly its draft decommissioning of early childhood education with some administrative contract documents prevail, and they do it shamelessly, Councillor Mrs-the course of the budget savings, ignoring the educational training companies, and becoming a crucial sector of employment in precarious and poorly paid, which also leave women most affected.
ladies and gentlemen, some workers who previously had a salary of between 1,100 or 1,200 euros, had to accept, because they have no choice, a salary of 700 euros. And is not the crisis, is speculation about unscrupulous traders who burst onto the educational business in our community through the facilities provided by his Government and his Ministry. Why, Madam Minister, your government has delayed publication of the first agreement was signed in the sector and which would have prevented these outrages to the workers? These 51 public schools put out to tender indirect management have been largely managed by cooperatives with a long history of good education and committed to the educational model in which early childhood education was implemented in this community, with teams well established and highly qualified professionals who have given stability and security to the families of many districts and municipalities, have developed their educational projects excellent educational projects, and have come to be qualified. Projects that have benefited from the recognition of families, but also with their involvement and participation. And that, my lord, that the Directors, now that's quality.
After the failure of the competitions, 26 of these schools have been awarded to companies that have mostly presented a totally inadequate educational projects, and are not because they say the United Left Party, are weak because it has been assessed by the technicians of the Community of Madrid.
Ms. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basins): Go to an end, Your Honor.
Ms. Gomez COWBOY: We talk about scoring between 10 and 15 points, against 45 they could get. Of course, along with the efficiency in educational projects, have submitted financial bids with price declines of almost 20 percent, and for this reason, the schools have been public calls for the next five years. That and no other reason, is what has been to stay with them. While they have been put on the street teams with educational projects appreciated by those skilled in many cases above 40 points. Companies with experience in education, you were saying. I imagine that will address Gecesa, Northern Group, for example, who is an expert not only in education, is an expert in everything, just take detention facility, that nursing homes that care at home, almost anything. Councillor Lady
, these awards have had very serious problems and issues, and have consequences. Have had an impact on professionals, which has very little respected throughout the process, not even a call from the Ministry saying which company was the successful candidate, have had to find out, after the time that the company has stated, if she stayed with her the first, because there have been cases of companies that once they have been awarded almost en bloc, some of them after they have been told not interested because have not been able to form teams or whatever reason.
Ms. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basin) was completed, Your Honor.
Ms. Gomez COWBOY: They have had an impact on families. Where have you been here to participate in the control and management of the centers of the families who are entitled to it? Why not been told? Why Why could not intervene, be informed, at least in some stage of these awards? And above all have had an impact on children. In the Education Committee, I spoke of a particular case in which those consequences were directly. I'm asking if the Inspectorate of Education, the Educational Inspection Service is monitoring these sites and whether any measures have already been taken. Nothing more, Madam Minister. Thank you very much. (Applause from the seats of the parliamentary group United Left. ")
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basins): Thank you, Your Honor. Then on behalf of the Socialist Group, I call Mrs. Peinado, again for maximum time of ten minutes.
Ms. PEINADO VILLEGAS: Thank you, Madam President. Madam Minister, what I question is the funding model that you carry implemented since 2008, which, moreover, that it will become and is already becoming a network that is not the same quality it provides. You say all the public network has the same hours, has extended hours, is high, the shares are the same. Sure!, Formally, have the same benefits. But getting there first schools and schools in second, and I fear that the first little bit will go falling to the second division of the nursery, because you have not yet dared to sell them. Luckily you will not have time to do it, Mr. Figaro, because I think that's where you want to go.
What I question is funding, and you say no, whether this new funding, with these new specifications shall be prima educational project, the qualitative project, which has a weight of 55 percent. That's why, it just said a spokesman for United Left in recent awards this summer most of the successful tenderers had a very low score, Madame Figaro, in their projects, and were the ones that took the indirect management of these schools. Why take him? Well as you saved them. Look, Mr. Figaro, so far the management of these schools was in the hands, as you well know, a cooperative network of dedicated professionals had no profit motive, its sole purpose was to have a high quality educational program for children from zero, one and two years. You have chosen to enter these schools management companies that are characterized by having a clear profit motive and they want to benefit, and what you want is to save. If you save, they benefit and in the end, who lost, Mr. Figaro? Who loses? Lost children, and professionals, are the losers, because the professionals will be in a very precarious situation, because you save and these companies will benefit professionals are going to pay less and less. Mr. Figaro, 700 euros! For forty hours per week of direct care to infants. That's what they will charge many professionals in nursery schools. Do not talk about quality in these models you are deploying because they do not, because it is educational. Look, you say something repeatedly as well: the opposition does nothing but complain and complain, but if everyone is happy and very satisfied. But then you have not heard that in late July, when almost everyone was already packing to go on vacation, came to this House more than 50 mothers, teachers and concerned professionals desperately asking us to do something for them, because they knew it was going to be theirs. Mothers and professionals on September 1 did not. Does this not have told you? Look at all rallies, demonstrations, strikes that have occurred in this Legislature in terms of education, precisely because they are mostly professionals, women, child education are the most have been mobilized, the most strikes have, the most have been to demonstrate, have typical manifestations of early childhood education, have joined the denunciation of public education in general. Have been the most have been mobilized.
You know that two years ago rose 400 percent the number of complaints from parents at the Children's Ombudsman for the reduction of educational quality, because, Mr. Figaro, is not the same as having a group of 16 children two years to have 20 children, it is not the same. It is not the same as in schools before a professional would support every two units, each two groups, and now has a single professional support throughout the center, not the same, Mr. Figaro. It is not the same as the previous funding model, which provided a fixed module according to the number of units and another center, where the award was resolved based on the educational project, not like now, which is given to the highest bidder is not the same as previously calculated the cost of a square around 450 euros and now, in many cases, this cost is reduced, so that you save and benefit companies, Mr. Figaro, 360 euros, 90 euros less for place in many cases in a school, for example, 120 people, many millions of euros, Mr. Figaro, which saves you, what business benefit, and thereby reducing the quality of care.
("The Madam President rejoins the session. ")
Look, the board of spokesmen of nursery and children's homes," I know that you are not a valid interlocutor, are professionals who constantly rejects you, it did here in this House to a question put to him in the previous session, has called on its web page for educators, teachers and parents with complaints to get them made. I would like that when you collect all these complaints are read and become aware and report and do not say demagogic way, as I like to say to members of the Popular Party and his government, they are all satisfied. You think something and believe that all others must think so too. You are satisfied with the funding model is implemented and believes that everyone has to be satisfied. No, look. No, no satisfaction, especially those who suffer the change has played a serious educational and pedagogical project to a project that is not educational, because you do not bet on early childhood education, I've been saying. Do you know where you are noticing? Precisely in the educational attention.
I'll put a couple of examples. I talk about specific cases of complaints and reports of teachers, of teachers, of whom came here in June. Before children had routine hand washing and teeth. Now in many cases gives them no time to teachers and professionals maintain that kind of routine with them. Earlier, in a school run indirectly by a cooperative, the child had a routine of going to siesta taking off her shoes. Now the child is completely happy to show your teacher that has taken off his shoes, and the teacher says, "No, tomorrow you have to sleep with shoes", because they have no time to maintain a routine. The child is not in the nursery just to help you change diapers, give bottles and throw him to sleep on a mattress, Mr. Figaro. There are only for that, they are to maintain an educational project to teach a number of things to children, routines, learning, because it is also fundamental in its development, Mr. Figaro. Children's Centres are not to park the kids and changing diapers. But many educators, I think that unfortunately can not be considered as such-that tell you pretty much have families to care for children in the most basic things to ask them to draw up an extra effort because they can not and not going to do for a salary quite precarious, working conditions are not worthy, just not worthy of attention being given to these children, Mr. Figaro. Really, I think very hard what you say, that everyone is happy, everyone is happy, the whole network is homogeneous and that the entire network is paying the same attention and the same quality, because it is not true, not, and are constantly getting complaints.
I say more: I know that it is developing a very serious study, endorsed by recognized professionals, which goes to show how changes because of its policies have been introduced in the public primary schools are deteriorating forced marches, the quality of services provided in these schools.
CHAIRPERSON Ms. : Honour, finish, please.
Ms. PEINADO VILLEGAS: I conclude, Madam President. I repeat you, and I never tire of it, Mr. Figaro, you do not believe in early childhood education from zero, one and two years. You only believe in having children parked the hours that parents need, change the diapers, bottle feeding and that's it. For that, Mr. Figaro, do not you kindergartens. Not the schools or the education you bet the Socialists in Madrid. We bet, Mr. Figaro, for a quality education, free and universalized, so that any family who has the need to take his son to zero, one or two years at school and have an educational focus to do so, free of charge, in this community. That, fortunately, so we can begin to start from May 2011. Thanks. (Applause on the benches of the Socialist Group. ")
Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Your Honor. Now call Mr. Soler Espiaube, on behalf of the Popular Group.
Mr. SOLER-Espiaube GALLO: Thank you, Madam President. Ladies and gentlemen, today, once again, we come to discuss a hearing on school children has brought Socialist Group, and once again, there is some part of the intervention of the Socialist Deputy for me is very disappointing. It really gives the feeling that has come to repeat the complaints of a very respectable professional group, but has lost a public tender for primary schools. The Board of Spokespersons to which you referred, no other speakers joints, which is not the right time to talk about them, do not agree because he has lost the award. Has made an offer worse, according to the specifications, and will not be awarded. That's one thing that you may like more or less, but can not say or disagree with the law or that does not involve for the Community of Madrid and its citizens an improvement, because more families have access to early childhood education, nor can I say that this does not happen in other government. Has already told the Minister, but come on, lady Vaquero, San Fernando de Henares children's school has been managing the City Council are indirect. That's right.
Lord, try to discredit the indirect management in early childhood education is a mistake. We is not that we complain about that you criticize the government seems very good, is their role as opposition. Strikes us how much they are wrong, though, as Napoleon said, when the adversary is wrong, should not sidetrack. Lord, the indirect management model allows for more early childhood education for the citizens of the Community of Madrid.
I will repeat the numbers, but you do not like the numbers, fleeing from them because, of course, the numbers are an objective fact, and here the criticism you make is always subjective, based on some opinions hardly contrastra on many occasions. I do not know why Mrs. Vaquero says the quality is not adequate. Quality is a very subjective assessment, a specification must have as little as possible but not the quality of subjectivity, and what the specification is to account data and target values \u200b\u200bas the main reference for this to succeed as much as possible to the citizens of the Community of Madrid, and is what has happened. Honor, this allows us, in times of crisis, the Community of Madrid may offer a very healthy figures very healthy and can not offer any of the Autonomous Communities which governs the Socialist Party and United Left, they can not offer. Make it worse, have worse references, not because we say so ourselves.
There is a moment in which Mrs. Peinado start talking about children's education as if speaking to secondary or university education, using some inappropriate references. Look, childhood education is not like the rest of education, zero, one and two years. It has some features that I think no one can escape him, which are completely different. Moreover, in some school systems, what you call kindergarten zero, one and two years is not considered part of the education system, and I'm not saying something that does not happen in Cochin, but in Finland, one of the countries best valued by the Pisa report about the educational system. Finland is not part of the education school system zero, one and two years because the pose of a completely different way, which itself is a part of education, and there are other parts that are not educational and that is something that must also be taken into account.
Earlier, another thing that has caught much attention was when he said that before there was a support teacher for every two and now there is only one in the whole. Look, many of these school children have a limited number, that is, before there were two assistant teachers and now there is one, or before there were three and now there is one, and it is logical that happen as well. Sure, you tell me before was something completely relevant. Well, yes. Why? Profession because he always wants to have an ideal model in which there is an excess of people dedicated to things that might make fewer people, and I understand it is discharged work, but that does not guarantee that children's education better. Not guaranteed, Your Honor.
The other day, while also discussing education, I was always talking about the ratios, and I gave as an example that we in the Community of Madrid, we have a lower ratio, more to your liking, Finland, Great Britain, or Germany, but in the Pisa report out is realized. And we have some ratios worse than Greece, Italy and Portugal, however, the better we Pisa report. Thus, my lord, the issue of ratios, when contrasted with the success of the educational project, it is not consistent, something is happening, and it is best that the ratios are not the absolute reference of how to classify an educational project. That will be taken into account, but also must take into account other things, and I think the specification, by which schools have been awarded Child's right. You could not say here in no time you have any defect or legal purpose, you just seem worse, and your opinion is very respectable. But, Your Honor, this situation has allowed more families have met in Madrid in this space-time education, we allow it.
spoke before check daycare. Look, we care to zero, one and two years higher than recommended by the European Union, above all autonomous governing Socialists and the Socialists with the United Left and, as recalled by the Minister, only the Netherlands and Denmark are in a better position than the Community of Madrid in regard to the average in European nations.
I think that if the Community of Madrid in Spain is well regarded, their ratios are able, come here to say that in a particular nursery, a particular child was to take off their shoes and you could not is a poverty of argument that catches my eye. Finally, it seems as vocal neighbor, it is an issue that we are criticizing the ditch, tree, tunnel, etc., things that have their scope, and I think that this is not.
I think that what a government should think about is how you can improve for most, and I think that is what they have projected the Ministry of Education, Government Aguirre: how to improve early childhood education for the greatest possible number of families, and I think that has meant an increase in the number of places. You may say that a group of professionals who criticize it, is very respectable, but, of course, are concerned, Your Honor. They will not say it's all very well when they have left out of the project because they have a specification or a project that has been lost to others.
Ms. PRESIDENT: My Lord, will conclude, please.
Mr. SOLER-Espiaube GALLO: I conclude, Mr President. Honor, then bean me 700 euros. Look, you know how many locals and many English people like to collect 700 euros? Is it out of the law? Is there a problem of association? I think they are being paid wages ... Well, if I tell you what they are paying, which sometimes do not pay, some law firms very important to the poor recent graduates who are paying 700 euros in these nurseries seems to me that it would like many law graduates who are making their first steps in any firm. I could give an example that surprised them. ("Mrs. Villegas Peinado pronounce words that are not perceived.")
Ms. PRESIDENT: Ladies and gentlemen, please. Mr. Soler, will conclude.
Mr. SOLER-Espiaube GALLO: I conclude, Mr President. Therefore, I agree with the educational project, and I think that any criticism that you have done has substance enough to disqualify a project is working, and working very well. Thanks. ("Mrs. Villegas Peinado pronounce words that are not perceived .- Applause on the benches of the Popular Group").
Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Your Honor. Madam Minister, you have the floor to respond for maximum time of ten minutes.
Ms. MINISTER OF EDUCATION (Figar de Lacalle): Thank you, Madam President. Try to be brief because this issue as we have discussed on many occasions and also gives the opposition any arguments or any new proposal.
begin telling the spokesman United Left group that I can assure you, and do not stop to attend nurseries, nursery schools to open, I have not got even the slightest complaint or comment by a family because the educator or teacher who is an officer serving or not an officer. Is that this is a debate you, you, the direct management, but the 44,000 families in the network of nursery schools do not care that those who serve them, to educate those who attend their children under three years are officials. (Mrs. COWBOY GÓMEZ: Complaints, complaints, complaints.) Is that they do not care! I would never have found a father or a mother who made a claim similar. In addition, Your Honor, is that the long primary schools in the Madrid region that are not directly managed, but not which has launched the Community of Madrid nor are they launched any municipality of the Commonwealth of Madrid, is the Popular Party is the Socialist Party, is the United Left. Is that no one starts directly managed nurseries for many years! Even where govern you, nor in San Fernando, or Rivas, we inaugurated a year, my lord! Does not put up anyone. And besides, is that nobody cares, Your Honor. It does not care any parent or any mother, my lord, that caring for their children, educate them, the teacher or teachers, are staff. It is one thing of you, you will be spokesman of a group with such claims or questions of the public, but does not care to 44,000 families, my lord, nor the mayors of the United Left, the Popular Party and the Party Socialist schools that implement high quality, publicly owned but always in the hands of companies or cooperatives that manage them.
In relation to fees paid by families, we say that the fees covered by the Community of Madrid are the same for all families, belonging to the municipality owned or wherever you placed the nursery, and that, as income, are among the lowest in Spain. Is a minimum. I have never denied that we have removed the zero quota, ever. If I am an enemy of all free! I always think they have to pay something, among other things, Your Honor, because if you provide free diapers and other services have to pay something. Know, too, "will not recognize it publicly or I'm going to ask," that in many meetings we've had with educators or directors of nursery schools, they themselves have told us that many families did not value zero paid service , who valued it and agreed that something should pay. Sir, that this something, when the real cost of the plaza can exceed 500 euros per month, is in 45 does not seem excessive. Again, are among the lowest in Spain. And I've never denied that we have suppressed the zero quota, what I said is that there are exemptions for families with special needs; exist. We have a number of families for whom the report of the municipal social services, once analyzed the economic situation, families may be at risk or who have fallen into a circumstance where they were when they made the registration, there are exemptions , full exemptions for a number of families. That is apart from the rates or fees regulate and publish. That's what I recognized, and I never said that there is no zero quota, it seems to me absurd because we ourselves are the fees that we publish every year, as Ministry of Education and contained in the BOCM, and absurd for me to say that. For families on a case by case valued the social services report, there are exemptions.
As for the arguments of Mrs. Peinado, in essence, are the usual suspects, but has provided some new things today's debate really, Mrs. Peinado, perplex me. What can not be and what can not be sustained without blushing, Your Honor, is that if a teacher or educator charged 1,200, is educational and, if it collects 1,000, no. Honor, is that this no one can understand! One thing is what you charged each person who, by the way, the unions negotiated, not fixed me, but you can not say is, hey, you pay a service charge very educational if 1,200 and, if it collects 1,000, you are privatized and abusing children. Honor, this does not stand! It has nothing to do one thing with another. We require and regulate the qualifications, criteria and the training they have to have people working in day care, but, my lord, give good or bad service regardless of what they charge. What no one can say is: this is very educational if a person takes 1,200 ... I understand that they charge like 1200 more that 1,000 and 1,000 by 800, but you can not sustain the argument that serves great children and provides an educational service charges 1,200 and someone who, if charged less, no; Your Honor, this does not hold.
The other argument is: if you manage a cooperative, is a high quality service and public-because you tell me since cooperatives are public-but if you manage a business, not education. No, Mrs. Peinado! That you can not hold it! First, cooperatives are not NGOs, nor are public, but what can not be is that if the contest it gains a cooperative, then supereducativo, we love and the kids are great, but if you win a limited company or an SA, then it fatal. It can not be, Your Honor! Is that you use arguments that do not hold up! No way. Are well regulated and well defined in the tender requirements, are highly rated educational projects and constraints to pass the technical solvency requirement before assessing other objective criteria of the contest, but what can not be is if he wins it you seem to like it more, then it is educational and, if not, no. Honor, will be educational or not as the specifications set out the contest and the service being provided, and then who better to win this combined offering from the financial proposal and the educational project. Do not hold up their arguments. And I do not understand what you mean, if I save, the companies earn more, that is, if I savings, enterprises benefit, which you said fifteen times in his presentation. I do not understand! What will they see that I save with the companies that earn more? Be rather the reverse. Normally, when I was not saving, companies, cooperatives, or to win contracts with the government, earn more, sir. That's when I savings, enterprises benefit, do not understand. I do not understand anything you say, unless you are quite wrong and inconsistent in its arguments, ie, can not fall into such arguments, my lord, and to this demagoguery. If education, if you charge, how much is from school? "From 1,000 is educational? Is it educational if you win "x" and is not educational if you win 'and'? Is it educational if you who wins it?
And what about those contests that you denigrate when you earn the same union that was previously managing? So you had no complaints? That is what happened in most cases. In most cases, cooperative nursery schools have been operating we have once again put out to tender with the new specifications have won again, and that you do not pose any problem. Man, no! Mrs. Peinado, the argument above you here today: In the usual, do not answer, because I have already answered many times in this forum, but these new contributions to the debate really has me perplexed.
Ms. PRESIDENT: Madam Minister, to conclude, please.
Ms. MINISTER OF EDUCATION (Figar de Lacalle): end, Madam President. You talk about poor quality, provide a complaints never fail to substantiate because the Ministry or become complaints, and I distinguish between the complaints of the families, who are the end users and recipients of service we provide, and professionals. I understand that a professional who has been left out of a contest or who sees his salary was reduced more with the above conditions, of which I speak, my lord, is of families, and families are very satisfied because, in general, consider that they are receiving a high quality service that their children are in the hands of excellent professionals, and also pay dues, are aware, my lord, well below the actual cost.
announces a report Now I know not what experts already have you come to us say that the report being drawn up will mean that our children lose quality schools. I remain, Your Honor, with two analysis objectives: made by the Ombudsman for Children, which has valued highly the quality of primary schools of the Community of Madrid, and says so and so stated in his report that are of excellent quality. And above all, Your Honor, the thread of the action which the City of Getafe, the Court of Justice of Madrid, Your Honor, that is established, I do get if you have not seen, that the decree of Minimum Requirements new statements, Your Honor, did not affect the quality of schools affect children or working conditions of teachers. Thank you, Madam President. (Applause on the benches of the Popular Group ").
Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Madam Minister. We spent the next item on the agenda.
4746 Author / Group: Socialist parliamentary group.
Recipient: Ms. Minister of Education.
Subject: Conditions for the award of public kindergartens indirect management. Attached documentation.
In order to clarify the reasons for the appearance, the floor, on behalf of the proponent, Mrs. Peinado by up to five minutes.
Ms. PEINADO VILLEGAS: Thank you, Madam President. Madam Minister, I want to first thank the willingness that has been to talk with the parents of St. James College of Villanueva de la Cañada, through the Deputy Minister of Organization. Go ahead my thanks.
Now, we return once again to bring to this House the issue of school children from zero to three years, and I think for you the new early childhood education. I know this is an issue that you would get tired and bored, because it says we are always with the same string. Anyway, I do not like to talk about childhood education. He does not like to talk about early childhood education because the program's Party 2007, when referring to children of zero, one and two years, the main promise you did, and their commitment star, was not maintaining the quality of the public nursery schools and children's homes, it was not to extend this network to cover the demand in this cycle by the society of Madrid. His political star and his commitment was to extend the check childcare assistance given by the Community of Madrid for families to bring their children to private kindergartens, with an amount which, of course, fails in many cases not to cover the third the cost of a place in a center like this, but argued for public education and quality child, and that once we checked. When you arrived in 2008, when he did not have a year as Advisor Education, it was up to change the decrees of minimum requirements, and decided to do to grow, as we have repeatedly stated, a move that seems very harmful to children of zero, one and two years, modifying the minimum requirements, increase the number of children per classroom, especially in the two-years, passing from 16 to 20, reducing the number of professionals who serve them, reducing the requirements for certification of professionals in these schools and also reduce the need for adequate physical space children. He continued with another series of measures including the reduction of a section in the fees paid by families, so they become dues that are no longer progressive and in many cases are unfair and there is a clear lack of equity.
But today we come to talk about funding, because in September 2008 on that career you have been given such a hurry to change the whole system and the model we had in Madrid in September, as I say, adopting a financing decree which modifies the administrative specifications for the allocation of indirect management of those schools with this approach, and these new specifications for what they do is that over the pedagogical and educational projects, is what Save the Community of Madrid, that's what matters most: how much is saved Madrid therein. Because you, as yet dare not get rid of the nursery, what it does is keep his title, but, in fact, what you are doing is privatized.
began, as I say, equating the terms of the public to private schools with minimal modifications to the decree, but continued lowering the maximum management. You do not want to spend money, no budget and no public resources to maintain children's education, you just want to take care checks.
Ms. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basins): Go in conclusion, Your Honor.
PEINADO VILLEGAS: child education you weigh, because it is heavy commitment to education in the section zero, one and two years for this segment because you only what it claims is that families have a place to leave their children, but not sites where they can provide good care but purely educational assistance, and knows it very well. For checks that are nursery, is not it, and I wanted to save all this money on nursery schools. What happens is that he has a small problem that you fall into a serious contradiction, because on one hand, committed no schools, but then was forced, with the plan of Educa 3 Ministry of Education, which never says, but for that I am, to remind him, "to build 23 primary schools, 22 more thanks to Plan E of the Government of Spain, which you do not like to say, in fact, try skipping standards and do not even advertise on billboards that advertise the work of these centers have been forced to put into place. I think it falls into contradiction because, although he does not believe in day care, then you love to say that this year there are 56 new primary schools. But what you would have liked is not to build these schools for children, but have used those resources to check maintenance care.
Ms. VICE PRESIDENT FIRST (Cifuentes Basins): My Lord, it concludes.
Ms. PEINADO VILLEGAS: I conclude now. Look, Madame Figaro, the new funding model makes it very clear to all that I'm saying, you do not believe in the education of zero, one and two years. Can not call children's education to what you are trying to promote in the public, which until two years ago was a network of high quality reference for the entire English State. I hope you tell me what your assessment of the financing system, which I know will be good for you, but tell me if you would rather have given more school vouchers to kindergartens. Thanks.
Ms. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basins): Thank you, Your Honor. Madam Minister, you have to expound on the subject of the hearing by maximum of fifteen minutes.
Ms. MINISTER OF EDUCATION (Figar de Lacalle): Thank you, Madam President. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you requested the attendance of the Minister of Education this afternoon as it gives me the opportunity to recall that when I arrived at the Ministry of Education there are 348 primary schools and 24,500 positions from zero to three, and at the end of this year 2010 - 2011 there will be 464 school children and 44,000 seats. In these three years, we have therefore increased by 120 the number of nursery schools and created more than 20,000 places zero to three years. Also check the evolution of care in this Legislature, marked by the crisis has been remarkable, because we have increased by 34 percent the number of beneficiaries. Will grow, and has grown this year, the budget of the aid, we will distribute a total of 34 million euros, which will allow us to reach over 1,500 families in Madrid to reach 31,000 beneficiaries. So, ladies and gentlemen, in crisis, we continue opening new nursery schools and children's homes, 56, nothing more and nothing less, in this course, the extension of existing and spreading and increasing the number of beneficiaries of so-called day care checks. Lady
Peinado, you know perfectly well that the network of public facilities of the Community of Madrid is heterogeneous, consisting of nursery and children's homes, some owned by the municipality, other entitlements of the Community of Madrid, direct management or indirectly, and so on.
management models are different, but both models, direct or indirect management, are coexisting almost since the beginning of the public in Madrid since 1985. Throughout this time, this coexistence has not been the subject of complaint by any family, and I think, Your Honor, and I assure you because all primary schools, not only in terms of funding but also in working order are subject to the same rules, so families get a consistent public service within the Community of Madrid regardless of ownership or management model for each center. The operation of schools, organization, schedules, services, requirements and qualifications of personnel, as well, something very important, because it is not so in some Autonomous Communities ruled by you, the fees paid by families is exactly the same in the 440 nursery schools and children's homes that are operating in the region. This embodies the model of school children in the community of Madrid, and requirements for competitions run under the responsibility of ensuring that this remains so. Hence, families are not disrupting any technical issues and appraisals you have done here this afternoon and has been doing the last three years. It is important to remember because when you question the indirect management of primary schools of the Community of Madrid in the final analysis of what is doubtful is the capacity of teachers and educators. So I want to stress that all nursery schools and homes children of the Community of Madrid have first-professional teams with knowledge and proven ability to care for children.
I explained at the time in the Assembly in 2008, when we proceeded to modify the administrative terms and conditions that govern the management contracts for school children, we were adapting, Your Honor, is not a whim- Act, the Public Sector Procurement 2007. The sheets-you know-contained, first, technical soundness criteria according to which entities tenderers must certify that the object corresponds to the end of the object of the contract and also also required financial solvency and technical training. In short, Your Honor, all the winning companies that manage primary schools in the Madrid educational sector are companies that have personnel with proven experience and proven, because any company that aspires to be awarded a management contract must meet these requirements I said minimum, and only once the technical competence takes into account other criteria or goals for awarding the contract.
We, Your Honor, I have explained, we evaluated 55 points the educational project, organizational and personnel carrying out the educational project, and 45 the proposed price; ie the most weight in the award of these contracts -55 points, is based on qualitative rather than quantitative criteria. In those 55 points value issues such as pedagogical, the action plan for students with special educational needs, school organization, the project initiation into English, the recruitment of native English and so forth. There are, of course, a quantitative assessment of the offer, which is the economic proposals made by each entity tendering for the concepts of education or extended hours dining.
This model contract documents, Your Honor, contributes in First, to preserve and guarantee the quality of primary schools of the Community of Madrid to the extent that it provides an appropriate balance between the qualitative-55 percent-and quantitative financial offer, which is 45 percent. Therefore, our focus is on quality of service, but also give effect to the principle of competitive.
And another way, Your Honor, that is you can easily check how balanced it is our model of contract documents is compared with that of other administrations. For example, Your Honor, with the Government of the nation, she also takes contests nurseries and schools in particular Children's Defense Ministry, with the English military bases. The terms of this statement, they, however, count 50 points of the financial bid plus 25 points of service support, meaning that 50 percent of the valuation depends on the financial offer is made. Do you understand, my lord? Ie, they value the financial offer which is evaluating the Community of Madrid in what you call hidden privatization, poor quality, end the sector which until recently was an example, and so on. The specifications of the Government of the socialist nation, Your Honor, in day care that they take over the supply score what is economic punctuating the Community of Madrid. Conclusion: the publicly owned primary schools under the Government of the nation, first, also opt for indirect management and economic value score, and most of the Community of Madrid, and some companies have been awarded to primary schools of Socialist Government, Your Honor, so companies have been in Madrid. So, Your Honor, I have not even clear whether your problem is the indirect, which is the model chosen by the national government and socialist mayors, or what bothers him is that the valuation is given more weight to the financial offer to the educational project. In either case, your honor, you will have a problem or discrepancy with their own party colleagues, starting with the defense minister and certainly not with the Government of the Community of Madrid. Lady
Peinado, find that I am happy to discuss this issue every time it takes, and you certainly do not have problems because there are no complaints, are the parents who have their children in public primary schools , who believe they are getting a quality service that their children are cared for by professionals first and also benefit from quotas, seniority, which are among the lowest ever in Spain, shares, Your Honor, which allow payment for the service they are receiving, figures well below the actual cost of the seats, and that is the same throughout the school network the Community of Madrid, whether the municipality to be provided for families demonstrating the same economic status, ie to the same income, no matter where one lives, you pay the same rate or the same fee. Honor, compare with those of the regions where the ruling PSOE, because of course are among the lowest.
Again, I think the important thing is that in this course we will reach a record of 464 schools children, 44,000 public spaces of zero to three years, and these must be added "we must not forget either," beds in private schools 4604 conventions, a figure that remained stable, and 31,000 day care checks, which are 1,500 more than last year, we are delivering to help families cover the cost of approved private nurseries that have chosen for their children whose fees are not the same as those supported in public kindergartens. Is a network that stands for quality, which continues to grow, and we, Your Honor, I always say, we opted to increase and enhance this two ways: increasing public places and increase the number of nursery schools in the Community Madrid.
You're talking about Educa3 Plan or the 20 seats of Plan E, which in any case, Your Honor, will be an election of the municipality that receives funds and who decides, with those funds, making kindergartens. I say this because it happens in all the same, or is not awarded on merit to Mr Zapatero. With the funds received by the municipality have decided to make an infrastructure or another. In any case, your honor, since I have implemented Advisor 120 schools, which, I have no hesitation in acknowledging that we make joint efforts with the national government in some schools, when a mayor chooses to allocate funds Plan E to make nursery schools, but, my lord, you also recognize the efforts of the Ministry to launch 120 new schools and, above all, contribute towards the running costs, which is what most weight at the end once implemented. In addition, Your Honor, I always say very clearly, we have increased child care checks, because we believe they also help to realize the principle of equal opportunities and freedom of choice, because they are the same prices as those paid in a nursery Private and many families are left out or have no access or prefer to take their children to private nursery and also have a right to any financial assistance by the Government. We have gone from 20,000 to 31,000 checks kindergarten, 1,500 more than last year, and I hope, my lord, that in future budgets we can continue to increase as the number of nursery schools.
schooling from zero to three years and longer-term in our community is almost twice the English average, Your Honor, which is 26.7 percent, placing us at the European level, if we compare the Community Madrid with the rest of Europe, just behind Denmark and the Netherlands, which, Your Honor, I think it is thanks to massive investment effort of the Government of the Community of Madrid. Only in 2010, the Ministry of Education will allocate to the stage of zero to three, which is not free nor compulsory, 160 million euros. So, Your Honor, I think our policy and our commitment to quality service is provided at the stage of zero to three we have maintained and can be credited even in times of economic crisis or budgetary constraints as we live . Thank you very much, Madam President. (Applause on the benches of the Popular Group ").
Ms. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basins): Thank you, Madam Minister. Open the speaking time of the parliamentary groups. First, on behalf Izquierda Unida, has the word Mrs. Cowboy for maximum time of ten minutes.
Ms. Gomez COWBOY: Thank you, Madam President. Socialist Group thank you very much for bringing us this hearing today to discuss the new contracts for school children. After listening to the Minister, must tell you that today I liked to talk more about quantity than quality, Madam Minister, I've noticed in your speech, because the quality really have it hard enough with what is falling in the Community of Madrid in public kindergartens indirect management.
Lady Counsellor, since you came to the Ministry of Education, I have said many times, maintained a firm commitment from the very beginning: to implement all measures required to finish dismantling the public education model in this community. When you came to this community found a child-education model is what I have said on other occasions, it was the best in the state, and we will have the misfortune of letting you go the worst model of all. Man!, I would not wish to go, I suppose that this internal promotion may have lingering some expectations to the Minister of Education.
of no use for this cruel economic crisis has demonstrated to the clear and convincing that its social model, based on the privatization of the public, is proving a complete failure, "that what is being-and that is not true that the market will regulate itself, and that private institutions to better manage public. Moreover, if something has been sufficiently demonstrated is that the public is now more necessary than ever, and therefore is required to intervene to save private. Look you, Madam Minister, that if we translate what I just said to the reality of the school children of the Community of Madrid, we see that the model is becoming more sustainable in terms of quality, quality of employment which These produce and, above all, quality of education that children enjoy, it is the children's school-based public governance. That should make us reflect.
As I said, the abuses that take place in certain primary schools the lack of control can only lead to a scenario of disorder, abuse and loss of rights, which is ultimately what is happening in some of these schools. If at any stage of education has been able to fully develop its strategy, as I said, has been in early childhood education, specifically in the first stage of the education system stage, as I said, was launched in this Commonwealth under its exclusive competence, with a quality model that has been not only benchmark of quality throughout the state, but beyond. What he is doing with the education of children in this community, probably because the lack of a basic regulation is leaving it fairly easy, that's not entirely his responsibility, "is to replace the public education model that created the network public primary schools by the economic model, privatization and welfare that we are imposing. This strategy is well structured and planned by his Government and his Ministry.
First, we have said here were the mockery of quality assumed minimum decrees of 2008: more children per class, per site less professional, less space and required qualifications for professionals to be. That, Madam Minister, it is more quality in any way that could mean higher quality. Then the attack on equal opportunities through inward also been said, for families with higher incomes, who were rewarded with a rebate of 200 euros on the share, while the most economically disadvantaged I removed the zero quota. You shook me once, at a question from my group, but you did not tell the truth then. Removed zero quota, and the result was immediate. You know, are disappearing from schools for children of families unable to pay the minimum fee 45 euros, precisely the children most in need, poor or impoverished families have to look for life as they can and are becoming more. That, Madam Minister, it is not quality.
As if all this were not enough, taking advantage of the new decree of funding, last year decided to change the specifications for new contracts in schools. Our group and also warned, through a question in this House, of the risks posed these new specifications and that we came over, but his Ministry, an expert on the privatization of education in Madrid, designed strictly its draft decommissioning of early childhood education with some administrative contract documents prevail, and they do it shamelessly, Councillor Mrs-the course of the budget savings, ignoring the educational training companies, and becoming a crucial sector of employment in precarious and poorly paid, which also leave women most affected.
ladies and gentlemen, some workers who previously had a salary of between 1,100 or 1,200 euros, had to accept, because they have no choice, a salary of 700 euros. And is not the crisis, is speculation about unscrupulous traders who burst onto the educational business in our community through the facilities provided by his Government and his Ministry. Why, Madam Minister, your government has delayed publication of the first agreement was signed in the sector and which would have prevented these outrages to the workers? These 51 public schools put out to tender indirect management have been largely managed by cooperatives with a long history of good education and committed to the educational model in which early childhood education was implemented in this community, with teams well established and highly qualified professionals who have given stability and security to the families of many districts and municipalities, have developed their educational projects excellent educational projects, and have come to be qualified. Projects that have benefited from the recognition of families, but also with their involvement and participation. And that, my lord, that the Directors, now that's quality.
After the failure of the competitions, 26 of these schools have been awarded to companies that have mostly presented a totally inadequate educational projects, and are not because they say the United Left Party, are weak because it has been assessed by the technicians of the Community of Madrid.
Ms. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basins): Go to an end, Your Honor.
Ms. Gomez COWBOY: We talk about scoring between 10 and 15 points, against 45 they could get. Of course, along with the efficiency in educational projects, have submitted financial bids with price declines of almost 20 percent, and for this reason, the schools have been public calls for the next five years. That and no other reason, is what has been to stay with them. While they have been put on the street teams with educational projects appreciated by those skilled in many cases above 40 points. Companies with experience in education, you were saying. I imagine that will address Gecesa, Northern Group, for example, who is an expert not only in education, is an expert in everything, just take detention facility, that nursing homes that care at home, almost anything. Councillor Lady
, these awards have had very serious problems and issues, and have consequences. Have had an impact on professionals, which has very little respected throughout the process, not even a call from the Ministry saying which company was the successful candidate, have had to find out, after the time that the company has stated, if she stayed with her the first, because there have been cases of companies that once they have been awarded almost en bloc, some of them after they have been told not interested because have not been able to form teams or whatever reason.
Ms. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basin) was completed, Your Honor.
Ms. Gomez COWBOY: They have had an impact on families. Where have you been here to participate in the control and management of the centers of the families who are entitled to it? Why not been told? Why Why could not intervene, be informed, at least in some stage of these awards? And above all have had an impact on children. In the Education Committee, I spoke of a particular case in which those consequences were directly. I'm asking if the Inspectorate of Education, the Educational Inspection Service is monitoring these sites and whether any measures have already been taken. Nothing more, Madam Minister. Thank you very much. (Applause from the seats of the parliamentary group United Left. ")
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Cifuentes Basins): Thank you, Your Honor. Then on behalf of the Socialist Group, I call Mrs. Peinado, again for maximum time of ten minutes.
Ms. PEINADO VILLEGAS: Thank you, Madam President. Madam Minister, what I question is the funding model that you carry implemented since 2008, which, moreover, that it will become and is already becoming a network that is not the same quality it provides. You say all the public network has the same hours, has extended hours, is high, the shares are the same. Sure!, Formally, have the same benefits. But getting there first schools and schools in second, and I fear that the first little bit will go falling to the second division of the nursery, because you have not yet dared to sell them. Luckily you will not have time to do it, Mr. Figaro, because I think that's where you want to go.
What I question is funding, and you say no, whether this new funding, with these new specifications shall be prima educational project, the qualitative project, which has a weight of 55 percent. That's why, it just said a spokesman for United Left in recent awards this summer most of the successful tenderers had a very low score, Madame Figaro, in their projects, and were the ones that took the indirect management of these schools. Why take him? Well as you saved them. Look, Mr. Figaro, so far the management of these schools was in the hands, as you well know, a cooperative network of dedicated professionals had no profit motive, its sole purpose was to have a high quality educational program for children from zero, one and two years. You have chosen to enter these schools management companies that are characterized by having a clear profit motive and they want to benefit, and what you want is to save. If you save, they benefit and in the end, who lost, Mr. Figaro? Who loses? Lost children, and professionals, are the losers, because the professionals will be in a very precarious situation, because you save and these companies will benefit professionals are going to pay less and less. Mr. Figaro, 700 euros! For forty hours per week of direct care to infants. That's what they will charge many professionals in nursery schools. Do not talk about quality in these models you are deploying because they do not, because it is educational. Look, you say something repeatedly as well: the opposition does nothing but complain and complain, but if everyone is happy and very satisfied. But then you have not heard that in late July, when almost everyone was already packing to go on vacation, came to this House more than 50 mothers, teachers and concerned professionals desperately asking us to do something for them, because they knew it was going to be theirs. Mothers and professionals on September 1 did not. Does this not have told you? Look at all rallies, demonstrations, strikes that have occurred in this Legislature in terms of education, precisely because they are mostly professionals, women, child education are the most have been mobilized, the most strikes have, the most have been to demonstrate, have typical manifestations of early childhood education, have joined the denunciation of public education in general. Have been the most have been mobilized.
You know that two years ago rose 400 percent the number of complaints from parents at the Children's Ombudsman for the reduction of educational quality, because, Mr. Figaro, is not the same as having a group of 16 children two years to have 20 children, it is not the same. It is not the same as in schools before a professional would support every two units, each two groups, and now has a single professional support throughout the center, not the same, Mr. Figaro. It is not the same as the previous funding model, which provided a fixed module according to the number of units and another center, where the award was resolved based on the educational project, not like now, which is given to the highest bidder is not the same as previously calculated the cost of a square around 450 euros and now, in many cases, this cost is reduced, so that you save and benefit companies, Mr. Figaro, 360 euros, 90 euros less for place in many cases in a school, for example, 120 people, many millions of euros, Mr. Figaro, which saves you, what business benefit, and thereby reducing the quality of care.
("The Madam President rejoins the session. ")
Look, the board of spokesmen of nursery and children's homes," I know that you are not a valid interlocutor, are professionals who constantly rejects you, it did here in this House to a question put to him in the previous session, has called on its web page for educators, teachers and parents with complaints to get them made. I would like that when you collect all these complaints are read and become aware and report and do not say demagogic way, as I like to say to members of the Popular Party and his government, they are all satisfied. You think something and believe that all others must think so too. You are satisfied with the funding model is implemented and believes that everyone has to be satisfied. No, look. No, no satisfaction, especially those who suffer the change has played a serious educational and pedagogical project to a project that is not educational, because you do not bet on early childhood education, I've been saying. Do you know where you are noticing? Precisely in the educational attention.
I'll put a couple of examples. I talk about specific cases of complaints and reports of teachers, of teachers, of whom came here in June. Before children had routine hand washing and teeth. Now in many cases gives them no time to teachers and professionals maintain that kind of routine with them. Earlier, in a school run indirectly by a cooperative, the child had a routine of going to siesta taking off her shoes. Now the child is completely happy to show your teacher that has taken off his shoes, and the teacher says, "No, tomorrow you have to sleep with shoes", because they have no time to maintain a routine. The child is not in the nursery just to help you change diapers, give bottles and throw him to sleep on a mattress, Mr. Figaro. There are only for that, they are to maintain an educational project to teach a number of things to children, routines, learning, because it is also fundamental in its development, Mr. Figaro. Children's Centres are not to park the kids and changing diapers. But many educators, I think that unfortunately can not be considered as such-that tell you pretty much have families to care for children in the most basic things to ask them to draw up an extra effort because they can not and not going to do for a salary quite precarious, working conditions are not worthy, just not worthy of attention being given to these children, Mr. Figaro. Really, I think very hard what you say, that everyone is happy, everyone is happy, the whole network is homogeneous and that the entire network is paying the same attention and the same quality, because it is not true, not, and are constantly getting complaints.
I say more: I know that it is developing a very serious study, endorsed by recognized professionals, which goes to show how changes because of its policies have been introduced in the public primary schools are deteriorating forced marches, the quality of services provided in these schools.
CHAIRPERSON Ms. : Honour, finish, please.
Ms. PEINADO VILLEGAS: I conclude, Madam President. I repeat you, and I never tire of it, Mr. Figaro, you do not believe in early childhood education from zero, one and two years. You only believe in having children parked the hours that parents need, change the diapers, bottle feeding and that's it. For that, Mr. Figaro, do not you kindergartens. Not the schools or the education you bet the Socialists in Madrid. We bet, Mr. Figaro, for a quality education, free and universalized, so that any family who has the need to take his son to zero, one or two years at school and have an educational focus to do so, free of charge, in this community. That, fortunately, so we can begin to start from May 2011. Thanks. (Applause on the benches of the Socialist Group. ")
Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Your Honor. Now call Mr. Soler Espiaube, on behalf of the Popular Group.
Mr. SOLER-Espiaube GALLO: Thank you, Madam President. Ladies and gentlemen, today, once again, we come to discuss a hearing on school children has brought Socialist Group, and once again, there is some part of the intervention of the Socialist Deputy for me is very disappointing. It really gives the feeling that has come to repeat the complaints of a very respectable professional group, but has lost a public tender for primary schools. The Board of Spokespersons to which you referred, no other speakers joints, which is not the right time to talk about them, do not agree because he has lost the award. Has made an offer worse, according to the specifications, and will not be awarded. That's one thing that you may like more or less, but can not say or disagree with the law or that does not involve for the Community of Madrid and its citizens an improvement, because more families have access to early childhood education, nor can I say that this does not happen in other government. Has already told the Minister, but come on, lady Vaquero, San Fernando de Henares children's school has been managing the City Council are indirect. That's right.
Lord, try to discredit the indirect management in early childhood education is a mistake. We is not that we complain about that you criticize the government seems very good, is their role as opposition. Strikes us how much they are wrong, though, as Napoleon said, when the adversary is wrong, should not sidetrack. Lord, the indirect management model allows for more early childhood education for the citizens of the Community of Madrid.
I will repeat the numbers, but you do not like the numbers, fleeing from them because, of course, the numbers are an objective fact, and here the criticism you make is always subjective, based on some opinions hardly contrastra on many occasions. I do not know why Mrs. Vaquero says the quality is not adequate. Quality is a very subjective assessment, a specification must have as little as possible but not the quality of subjectivity, and what the specification is to account data and target values \u200b\u200bas the main reference for this to succeed as much as possible to the citizens of the Community of Madrid, and is what has happened. Honor, this allows us, in times of crisis, the Community of Madrid may offer a very healthy figures very healthy and can not offer any of the Autonomous Communities which governs the Socialist Party and United Left, they can not offer. Make it worse, have worse references, not because we say so ourselves.
There is a moment in which Mrs. Peinado start talking about children's education as if speaking to secondary or university education, using some inappropriate references. Look, childhood education is not like the rest of education, zero, one and two years. It has some features that I think no one can escape him, which are completely different. Moreover, in some school systems, what you call kindergarten zero, one and two years is not considered part of the education system, and I'm not saying something that does not happen in Cochin, but in Finland, one of the countries best valued by the Pisa report about the educational system. Finland is not part of the education school system zero, one and two years because the pose of a completely different way, which itself is a part of education, and there are other parts that are not educational and that is something that must also be taken into account.
Earlier, another thing that has caught much attention was when he said that before there was a support teacher for every two and now there is only one in the whole. Look, many of these school children have a limited number, that is, before there were two assistant teachers and now there is one, or before there were three and now there is one, and it is logical that happen as well. Sure, you tell me before was something completely relevant. Well, yes. Why? Profession because he always wants to have an ideal model in which there is an excess of people dedicated to things that might make fewer people, and I understand it is discharged work, but that does not guarantee that children's education better. Not guaranteed, Your Honor.
The other day, while also discussing education, I was always talking about the ratios, and I gave as an example that we in the Community of Madrid, we have a lower ratio, more to your liking, Finland, Great Britain, or Germany, but in the Pisa report out is realized. And we have some ratios worse than Greece, Italy and Portugal, however, the better we Pisa report. Thus, my lord, the issue of ratios, when contrasted with the success of the educational project, it is not consistent, something is happening, and it is best that the ratios are not the absolute reference of how to classify an educational project. That will be taken into account, but also must take into account other things, and I think the specification, by which schools have been awarded Child's right. You could not say here in no time you have any defect or legal purpose, you just seem worse, and your opinion is very respectable. But, Your Honor, this situation has allowed more families have met in Madrid in this space-time education, we allow it.
spoke before check daycare. Look, we care to zero, one and two years higher than recommended by the European Union, above all autonomous governing Socialists and the Socialists with the United Left and, as recalled by the Minister, only the Netherlands and Denmark are in a better position than the Community of Madrid in regard to the average in European nations.
I think that if the Community of Madrid in Spain is well regarded, their ratios are able, come here to say that in a particular nursery, a particular child was to take off their shoes and you could not is a poverty of argument that catches my eye. Finally, it seems as vocal neighbor, it is an issue that we are criticizing the ditch, tree, tunnel, etc., things that have their scope, and I think that this is not.
I think that what a government should think about is how you can improve for most, and I think that is what they have projected the Ministry of Education, Government Aguirre: how to improve early childhood education for the greatest possible number of families, and I think that has meant an increase in the number of places. You may say that a group of professionals who criticize it, is very respectable, but, of course, are concerned, Your Honor. They will not say it's all very well when they have left out of the project because they have a specification or a project that has been lost to others.
Ms. PRESIDENT: My Lord, will conclude, please.
Mr. SOLER-Espiaube GALLO: I conclude, Mr President. Honor, then bean me 700 euros. Look, you know how many locals and many English people like to collect 700 euros? Is it out of the law? Is there a problem of association? I think they are being paid wages ... Well, if I tell you what they are paying, which sometimes do not pay, some law firms very important to the poor recent graduates who are paying 700 euros in these nurseries seems to me that it would like many law graduates who are making their first steps in any firm. I could give an example that surprised them. ("Mrs. Villegas Peinado pronounce words that are not perceived.")
Ms. PRESIDENT: Ladies and gentlemen, please. Mr. Soler, will conclude.
Mr. SOLER-Espiaube GALLO: I conclude, Mr President. Therefore, I agree with the educational project, and I think that any criticism that you have done has substance enough to disqualify a project is working, and working very well. Thanks. ("Mrs. Villegas Peinado pronounce words that are not perceived .- Applause on the benches of the Popular Group").
Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Your Honor. Madam Minister, you have the floor to respond for maximum time of ten minutes.
Ms. MINISTER OF EDUCATION (Figar de Lacalle): Thank you, Madam President. Try to be brief because this issue as we have discussed on many occasions and also gives the opposition any arguments or any new proposal.
begin telling the spokesman United Left group that I can assure you, and do not stop to attend nurseries, nursery schools to open, I have not got even the slightest complaint or comment by a family because the educator or teacher who is an officer serving or not an officer. Is that this is a debate you, you, the direct management, but the 44,000 families in the network of nursery schools do not care that those who serve them, to educate those who attend their children under three years are officials. (Mrs. COWBOY GÓMEZ: Complaints, complaints, complaints.) Is that they do not care! I would never have found a father or a mother who made a claim similar. In addition, Your Honor, is that the long primary schools in the Madrid region that are not directly managed, but not which has launched the Community of Madrid nor are they launched any municipality of the Commonwealth of Madrid, is the Popular Party is the Socialist Party, is the United Left. Is that no one starts directly managed nurseries for many years! Even where govern you, nor in San Fernando, or Rivas, we inaugurated a year, my lord! Does not put up anyone. And besides, is that nobody cares, Your Honor. It does not care any parent or any mother, my lord, that caring for their children, educate them, the teacher or teachers, are staff. It is one thing of you, you will be spokesman of a group with such claims or questions of the public, but does not care to 44,000 families, my lord, nor the mayors of the United Left, the Popular Party and the Party Socialist schools that implement high quality, publicly owned but always in the hands of companies or cooperatives that manage them.
In relation to fees paid by families, we say that the fees covered by the Community of Madrid are the same for all families, belonging to the municipality owned or wherever you placed the nursery, and that, as income, are among the lowest in Spain. Is a minimum. I have never denied that we have removed the zero quota, ever. If I am an enemy of all free! I always think they have to pay something, among other things, Your Honor, because if you provide free diapers and other services have to pay something. Know, too, "will not recognize it publicly or I'm going to ask," that in many meetings we've had with educators or directors of nursery schools, they themselves have told us that many families did not value zero paid service , who valued it and agreed that something should pay. Sir, that this something, when the real cost of the plaza can exceed 500 euros per month, is in 45 does not seem excessive. Again, are among the lowest in Spain. And I've never denied that we have suppressed the zero quota, what I said is that there are exemptions for families with special needs; exist. We have a number of families for whom the report of the municipal social services, once analyzed the economic situation, families may be at risk or who have fallen into a circumstance where they were when they made the registration, there are exemptions , full exemptions for a number of families. That is apart from the rates or fees regulate and publish. That's what I recognized, and I never said that there is no zero quota, it seems to me absurd because we ourselves are the fees that we publish every year, as Ministry of Education and contained in the BOCM, and absurd for me to say that. For families on a case by case valued the social services report, there are exemptions.
As for the arguments of Mrs. Peinado, in essence, are the usual suspects, but has provided some new things today's debate really, Mrs. Peinado, perplex me. What can not be and what can not be sustained without blushing, Your Honor, is that if a teacher or educator charged 1,200, is educational and, if it collects 1,000, no. Honor, is that this no one can understand! One thing is what you charged each person who, by the way, the unions negotiated, not fixed me, but you can not say is, hey, you pay a service charge very educational if 1,200 and, if it collects 1,000, you are privatized and abusing children. Honor, this does not stand! It has nothing to do one thing with another. We require and regulate the qualifications, criteria and the training they have to have people working in day care, but, my lord, give good or bad service regardless of what they charge. What no one can say is: this is very educational if a person takes 1,200 ... I understand that they charge like 1200 more that 1,000 and 1,000 by 800, but you can not sustain the argument that serves great children and provides an educational service charges 1,200 and someone who, if charged less, no; Your Honor, this does not hold.
The other argument is: if you manage a cooperative, is a high quality service and public-because you tell me since cooperatives are public-but if you manage a business, not education. No, Mrs. Peinado! That you can not hold it! First, cooperatives are not NGOs, nor are public, but what can not be is that if the contest it gains a cooperative, then supereducativo, we love and the kids are great, but if you win a limited company or an SA, then it fatal. It can not be, Your Honor! Is that you use arguments that do not hold up! No way. Are well regulated and well defined in the tender requirements, are highly rated educational projects and constraints to pass the technical solvency requirement before assessing other objective criteria of the contest, but what can not be is if he wins it you seem to like it more, then it is educational and, if not, no. Honor, will be educational or not as the specifications set out the contest and the service being provided, and then who better to win this combined offering from the financial proposal and the educational project. Do not hold up their arguments. And I do not understand what you mean, if I save, the companies earn more, that is, if I savings, enterprises benefit, which you said fifteen times in his presentation. I do not understand! What will they see that I save with the companies that earn more? Be rather the reverse. Normally, when I was not saving, companies, cooperatives, or to win contracts with the government, earn more, sir. That's when I savings, enterprises benefit, do not understand. I do not understand anything you say, unless you are quite wrong and inconsistent in its arguments, ie, can not fall into such arguments, my lord, and to this demagoguery. If education, if you charge, how much is from school? "From 1,000 is educational? Is it educational if you win "x" and is not educational if you win 'and'? Is it educational if you who wins it?
And what about those contests that you denigrate when you earn the same union that was previously managing? So you had no complaints? That is what happened in most cases. In most cases, cooperative nursery schools have been operating we have once again put out to tender with the new specifications have won again, and that you do not pose any problem. Man, no! Mrs. Peinado, the argument above you here today: In the usual, do not answer, because I have already answered many times in this forum, but these new contributions to the debate really has me perplexed.
Ms. PRESIDENT: Madam Minister, to conclude, please.
Ms. MINISTER OF EDUCATION (Figar de Lacalle): end, Madam President. You talk about poor quality, provide a complaints never fail to substantiate because the Ministry or become complaints, and I distinguish between the complaints of the families, who are the end users and recipients of service we provide, and professionals. I understand that a professional who has been left out of a contest or who sees his salary was reduced more with the above conditions, of which I speak, my lord, is of families, and families are very satisfied because, in general, consider that they are receiving a high quality service that their children are in the hands of excellent professionals, and also pay dues, are aware, my lord, well below the actual cost.
announces a report Now I know not what experts already have you come to us say that the report being drawn up will mean that our children lose quality schools. I remain, Your Honor, with two analysis objectives: made by the Ombudsman for Children, which has valued highly the quality of primary schools of the Community of Madrid, and says so and so stated in his report that are of excellent quality. And above all, Your Honor, the thread of the action which the City of Getafe, the Court of Justice of Madrid, Your Honor, that is established, I do get if you have not seen, that the decree of Minimum Requirements new statements, Your Honor, did not affect the quality of schools affect children or working conditions of teachers. Thank you, Madam President. (Applause on the benches of the Popular Group ").
Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Madam Minister. We spent the next item on the agenda.
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