Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cool Cross Country Uniforms

Hearing of General Director of Education at the Assembly of Madrid on October 6, 2010

4 º C 491/10 RGEP 4724 of the Hon. Ms. Minister for Education, at the request of the Socialist Group in order to report on conditions of allocation of indirect management of public primary schools in the Community of Madrid. (For via Article 209 of the Rules of the Assembly).

has received a letter from the Minister of Education which informed the delegation, Carmen Pérez-Llorca Zamora, Director General of Education and Primary, who ask you to climb the table. To enter an appearance, I call Dona Fátima Peinado.

Ms. PEINADO VILLEGAS: Thank you, Madam President. Welcome, Mrs. Perez-Llorca this Commission to speak once more of the first cycle of primary education in the Community of Madrid. The public network of nursery schools and children's homes in our community is being object, we have been claiming since then, the Government of Esperanza Aguirre in an unprecedented attack, an attack that is destroying a service that was being a benchmark of quality throughout the English State. First, with the regulatory changes, the minimum Decree 2008, which equated the condition of public school children to private nurseries, increasing the number of children per classroom, reducing the number of professionals who serve them, reducing space conditions physical, reducing the requirements of specialized degrees. The first stake, which was the least decree was followed almost immediately by changes of families pay fees in public primary schools, reducing the stages of calculating the fee based on income level to three-before-was far more progressive, leading to something really unfair and it is not fair and families with per capita incomes of up to 32,000 euros per year were reduced and the share contribution to school children in 200 euros, while families with precarious situations have gone from having a free place in public kindergartens having to pay over 40 euros a month, not counting the room or the extended hours.

ladies and gentlemen, this does not stop the frontage of public education zero to three years because in September 2008 published a new set of funding, under which administrative specifications are modified to award the management of those schools that have a form of indirect management. These new specifications prevail cost reduction, or whatever it is, saving you prevail in the Community of Madrid for the management, premium over the quality of education and educational projects submitted by the firms to competition . The Popular Party government is more interested in management save schools for children, as well we are demonstrating, rather than maintaining a high quality, and consequence is that the latter have won awards the majority of business enterprises or Gecesa Clece, despite their educational projects scored very low by the technical services of the Ministry of Education itself, that yes, they managed to be awarded through a reducing the cost of the seats, which will radically affect and direct the quality of care children receive zero, one and two years of the Community of Madrid to go to these schools.

Honor, this funding policy is perverting the public the first cycle of primary education in our community, keeping public ownership of schools, yes, but, de facto, being privatized at a rapid race to cut costs and save their own management, because what they have bet the Popular Party and the Government of Aguirre, and have clearly said, is to give care checks, by the way, with a low amount for the cost of barely a third of a place in a nursery, and not go for quality public education in the first cycle of primary education. What happens is that they have been forced, by the Education Plan 3, the Ministry of Education, and the Plan E government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, to be built this year 55 new kindergartens. They could not say no, but as they want to spend too much on this children's schools because they prefer to check out right and left, what they have done is pass a funding model that reduces costs appreciably, and win business-which, incidentally, have no connection with the education sector in many cases offering the lowest price to manage these places for children. Lady

Pérez-Llorca, is a worrying situation. I would like to tell me about the changes introduced by the new financing system and, in particular, the specifications and what is the point of view of the Popular Party government. Our point of view I just expressed, and will continue in the next round of intervention. Thanks.

Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Your Honor. I call on the Director General, Carmen Pérez-Llorca, for maximum time of fifteen minutes.

Ms. DIRECTOR GENERAL OF EDUCATION AND PRIMARY (Pérez-Llorca Zamora): Thank you, Madam President. Thank you very much, sir. As you know, the public primary schools has directly managed and indirectly managed centers. Both management models, direct and indirect, are coexisting almost from the beginning public network of early childhood education in the Community of Madrid, ie, from 1,985.

indirect management means that schools, infrastructure and equipment are provided by the Community of Madrid or holders municipalities, and school management is carried out by entities not directly under the administration holder. These management companies are selected to manage the schools for a period of time, by public tender under the Law on Public Sector Contracts in force at any time. The contest, therefore, are called when opening a new center or in the case of existing sites where end of the contract period of public service management.

In both types of management, both directly and indirectly, the operation of the school, organization, schedules, services, requirements and qualifications of staff, the student admission process, fees paid by families, that is, everything that sets the public nursery school model are equal, so that all primary schools in the public schools of the Community of Madrid carried the same function and offer the same services.

indirect management, which as you know perfectly preserve the character and public ownership schools, has enabled both councils in the region and the Community of Madrid and many other administrations to increase the number of nursery schools at a rate faster than if you only have the possibility to fill the centers with their own staff. In this regard, the Community of Madrid, we were able to reach at the beginning of this academic year 2010-2011, the figure of 440 centers and nearly 42,000 public spaces integrated into the public network.

Regarding the conditions of allocation, of course, are subject to current regulations, two types of rules: on the one hand, educational standards, both the state and the state, and, secondly, the rules government procurement, the Procurement Act, Public Sector, which is a 2007 law, amended most recently in 2010.

I will refer to the award conditions, which are reflected in the statements of each contest, but do not pretend to comprehensively analyze the technical criteria for hiring, which are complex and I do not think the subject of this hearing, but there are some things that I think is important to know. The specifications on the one hand, provide criteria for economic, financial and technical or professional, based on which the bidding entities must first establish that its object corresponds to one of its aims with the purpose of contract. That is, in this case, to present to contest the tendering entity must demonstrate that its purposes include the provision of educational services. The bidding entity must also certify their economic and technical-vocational credit, and that is justifying the number of professionals that will tell the staff and the academic and professional experience of the personnel responsible for execution of the contract . That, therefore, is part of the technical, are technical solvency criteria, which are as discriminating which entities may be submitted to the contest. As a result, an entity that has among its purposes the provision educational services which does not have sufficient staff with proven experience and proven not meet the criteria of technical competence and can not be awarded the contract, regardless of their educational project or its economic project. I think it's important to make that clear because we just heard, and we have heard many times before, by the Socialist Group that the Ministry awarded the management of primary schools to companies not engaged in education or have no experience in the sector. Is not only not true, or in the case of the latest awards or in any other case. Not only not true, but technically, not politically legally impossible for that to happen.

On the other hand, perhaps to clarify some concepts, while it is true that technical competence can prevent non-educational or without experience to participate in the contest, so is that we can not limit the participation of bidders based on arbitrary criteria, as they are cooperative rejecting others. The Law on Public Sector Contracts not allow us to restrict free competition in this way, it would be illegal if we did.

Once the technical expertise, taking into account the objective criteria for awarding the contract, we can, in turn, divided into two parts: on the one hand, a qualitative part, which is 55 points of a scale of hundred, which evaluates the educational project and organizational center, including the pedagogical, the action plan for students with special needs, allows us to assess organization center, the project initiation into English, which is something they all schools of the Community of Madrid and staff who implement the project. On the other hand, there is certainly also a part quantitative objective assessment, which is the financial proposal submitted by each entity tendering for the concepts of schooling, extended hours and dining. The Ministry established for each center a maximum tender price and counterparties may place their proposals, provided they respect that limit. Logically, also provides for the existence of abnormally low for proposals that is below average, and which are excluded.

This system of competitive, both in the educational project as the financial offer, has been used since 2008, with the purpose of, clearly giving priority to quality, value also, Your Honor, the efficient use of public resources. There are already about a hundred schools in our region whose management has been awarded on the basis of statements like the one just described, although it is true that every time you make a course out certain technical adjustments in the terms but basically as I described, and all are functioning quite normally, all of them are offering the same services as the rest of the network schools. I think, really, who can not speak so lightly of serious and catastrophic when school children are there, are open, are working, offer the same quality as always and the locals can go and visit them. This includes schools for which you ask, Mrs. Peinado, schools whose tenders were awarded in July. Have been awarded in all cases, and we have seen it's not that I say, but technically it is impossible not to be "educational institutions, although these entities may not be exclusively devoted to education, because it would be legal doubtfully a company or an entity dedicated to the management of a nursery school is limited their ability to diversify its business, but all companies are the sector in all cases, Your Honor, with proven previous experience for all cases and also with templates, and this information is important, constituted by at least 55 percent people from experience in other schools of the public.

Look, my lord, the indirect management model nurseries for a long time is not in question from government, from which we have management responsibilities, you can challenge from the opposition but from the management is not questioned. The councils use of all colors, and I've said many times, "the use of other Autonomous Communities, used in the Balearic Islands, Murcia, Valencia and Catalonia, by adding some examples I could find. Lady

Peinado, including the Ministry of Education, at a meeting planned with local authorities, with councils on children's education is going to provide models of specifications for the tender for the operation of a nursery, this is going to do Ministry of Education. But I'll tell you, madam Peinado, the Ministry of Defense, which will ask you what to see the Ministry of Defense here, well, I tell you-managed primary schools at military bases and management uses indirect, and in its statements, I have recently been able to consult an assessment includes the financial offer, as does the Ministry of Education, with the same formula, and gives 50 points on a scale of 150, transparent, 50 on a scale of 150.

Look, really, I think we should know the rules in detail before making statements like you have done, you have to know what other administrations, especially if the same party, and especially, as I have said many times from here and is already a little tiring, you can not say one thing when in the Government and another thing when in opposition. Unable to maintain a stance to what is done in one place and another for what the Government of the Community of Madrid, is demagogic, honor, and is unfair to the locals. I'll tell you what else you need to know: our schools, because we are having this is not a theoretical discussion, there are open schools, families are in them, anyone who can visit to check that their claims do not meet reality which are working well and families are met.

I would end this first by recalling, because I think when it comes to quality early childhood education and at any other time must be done-that schools are managed people, managed teams of people who have very similar profiles, regardless the entity that hired these people, these teachers, these educators is that we owe the high quality of our public network of primary schools. We can put an excellent infrastructure, we can put a good equipment, we can put resources, but in the end, teachers are teachers who are really quality. How to organize those people, if they are large or small entity or the entity is engaged, besides education, other things, Your Honor, not in any way define the performance of their work or vocation, or your dealings with children. Thank you very much.

Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Director General. We spent the turn of the parliamentary groups, from lowest to highest, is the word Cowboy Dona Eulalia, the United Left Parliamentary Group.

Ms. Gomez COWBOY: Thank you, Madam President. I salute Mrs. Director General and Primary in this Committee and thank Mrs. Peinado initiative that today has brought to this Commission initiative or issue that the United Left Group in an earlier question about the new specifications for the award of primary schools last year, and we've become to submit to appear directly to the Minister of Education, because we agree with the Socialist parliamentary group spokesman that the situation is not healthy, at least one of those sites to which you referred to new contracts.

Look, I was going to do an intervention other than that I do after listening to you. The 51 primary schools have been awarded through the last competition have actually been auctioned to the highest bidder, Mr. Director, and it is true that in these award criteria exist endpoint of the educational and economic supply. But you know that last year changed the criteria for assessment of both issues, and while so far, do you know that these awards are valid for five years, these criteria had prevailed in the educational project, the educational quality of the project , you modified it, turning 180 degrees, giving priority to the financial offer. So were awarded 26 of those schools that most companies are service companies well-known businessmen in Madrid devoted to other things and now have been here and they are business to business, as is natural in any business worth its salt. Until we can understand why they have chosen for these awards, but the technicians of the Community of Madrid are measured with very low scores of between ten and fifteen points, compared to forty-five points could be awarded, the projects of companies have finally been awarded. That is, not the least imported educational quality and, as I say, has dominated the financial offer, yes, very tasty for the Community of Madrid, which will save a good bit of money, because some have come down the offer Economic almost 20 per percent. Therefore, we service a lot cheaper and do not care much how the service develops. As you say, these schools are open, and behind everything that should be managed to the Community of Madrid there are people who carry out these educational projects.

As I think it should be, I am interested in some of these schools and I'll tell you how they are working. School children in Arganda, I will not say the name, but then I can tell, I guess you know where I mean. If we were to qualify as absolute contempt for the center to the education professionals, you and those who have stayed with the school would see ranker zero. You never have the detail, delicacy or at least say, the workers in these schools that their school had been awarded to other companies, have learned by the companies themselves. One day they called them and told them hear us! Gecesa-here-we're the new company that has run school with your child!. Of course a few days they called to tell others "no longer takes Gecesa, we have given to us." I do not know how this will I say in colloquial language with which I have taken their own educators. Ie Gecesa not been interested and have given it to another, and so have been finding out that passed from company to company.

In August the company says it will send this email, curriculum and qualifications of each of the educators. Send it and the company convened for a meeting on 1 September 2 for an interview with them, with the educators who until then were working at the school. The call for nine in the morning, but a woman who identifies as Chari-I can give her name, arrived and told them it was the new coordinator of the company and could not reach before because I have had trouble in school Las Rozas, and these educators were up at six in the evening without knowing if are working there or who are dependent, but they were there. I wonder if they will stay or not, and when asked under what conditions, they say that with the agreement into force. Wonder what the agreement is that, that is, what time will have and what salary they receive. I replied that no idea that they could not advance because they still did not know. At that time and seeing the situation, some of them decide that they will not work there and are dismissed with a phrase that I will not repeat here because I'm embarrassed to pronounce it, but some of them wept to hear it.

approached from the point of view of parents and creatures that are at the beginning course and under these conditions, families are called a few days later and tell them that there has been a change. Families there are no material because people who have been managing in the previous period have been material, it seems, had bought themselves. This school was originally eight units and, therefore, the Ministry had provided the material for these units, but later expanded to twelve, and, as they had bought them, had taken him easily.

The school had not been cleaned, no one had been there to clean the school since July. When parents complained, it is true that next day was an operation of the Community of Madrid to clean the school, but children were already inside. There are material and, when they ask for it, they say the best toy that is, children are themselves because children are entertained with a string.

The children have been eating a catering cold because it did not even have a microwave, and I'm talking about mid-September. On September 25, a mother walks in and sees the dirty glasses. Can you hear me, Madam Director? ("Assent by the respondent.") Asked what happens to the vessels and engaged the educators said they were waiting for the order because they had not yet reached the pad or sanitary gloves to change the children.

On the extension of hours I have spoken with some parents and the problem they have is big because families are in need of school, can not do without it, and some are in need of that child time. They had been told that there would be extension of time but have been told they would have to, ie not yet have longer opening hours and I am afraid that will not have.

Finally, Sir, the network of nursery schools of the Community of Madrid, when you arrived, was a network of excellent quality, high demand by families, all you had to do was keep. We know it was expensive, like all services that have quality, but it was a policy choice to maintain a child educational system recognized prestige enjoyed by all and you have decided to load. His strategy has been very clear from the beginning, since he came to the Ministry Esperanza Aguirre, but has been in this Legislature when they have accelerated the process. We face a very well-planned strategy for their part, you are degrading the nursery, they did with the curriculum and finally gave the coup de grace with this auction, because that is what has been, Sir

Ms. PRESIDENT: My Lord, I pray it ends, he has finished his time.

Ms. Gomez COWBOY: I invite you to visit the school that you just described when you want, talk with the affected families at any time. When they asked about the educational project of the nursery, they have said is there in the secretariat, was the former, no longer was there any teacher or principal. I think you know the situation they are experiencing some of these schools new contract, because it is not referred to any problem, however, the complaints of these parents themselves have been directed to Counseling. Nothing more, thank you very much.

Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Cowboy. I call on the Socialist parliamentary group spokesman, Dona Fátima Peinado.

Ms. PEINADO VILLEGAS: Thank you, Madam President. Sir, unfortunately, with the new specifications, the allotments to lower the indirect causes of infant schools is not the same quality to that provided in some centers and others in the network; of children's schools, as I said before, many still retain public ownership, but of course, de facto, are and are acting, as well has described the example that has Eulalia Vaquero, and private nurseries.

Look, it is necessary to compare the two systems of financing, the new model, which is in force since 2008, and the previous one, because in previous financing system were awarded fixed modules for education, dining and extended hours, according to the number of units and level, plus a center module. Thus, what was done was to ensure that the educational and pedagogical projects were determining factors in awarding the indirect management of these schools. But now, billing is per seat occupied through service contracts. What is done is establishing a system of bidding through an auction that is now the Administration set a reserve price, which is not the final price for the cost of the plaza. Firms make reference to the starting price to offer lower prices in their projects, obviously that obviously involves a substantial change of scale for the award in the contest, because the valuation of the quota offered by the company gains a weight of 40 percent of the total. The valuation of the quota did not exist in the previous system, whereas if we compare one system to another, we can see in previous specifications, previous to 2008, the draft organizational and financial management was a representation of 50 percent, the educational project, 30 and qualification of staff, 20 percent. Now, what more weight are those shares that did not exist, ie that more weight is best to drop those submitted, which are those that will be awarded in these competitions. In contrast, the educational project has come to acquire a 20 per cent, because another 10 goes into English for children from zero, one and two years. If you have not yet learned to speak and give you an English weight by 10 percent! Let me say that this really is us ridiculous. And the personnel has become a 10 per cent, ie halved. Therefore, the weight given to the contributions makes this primacy of economic criteria on the educational and teaching standards at the time of the grant and has no other objective, Mrs. Perez-Llorca, which reduce costs, he said it before - the system for administration. And while these costs are cheaper, you opened in the decree of an alternative minimum funding for these companies, and they had-and that has not made any reference, proposals for additional activities in August or outside school hours. Other

substantial differences that you have not mentioned, and that I've asked to make an assessment of previous and current funding system is that before he had prior knowledge to the awarding of public prices, which, as I said before, is currently unknown because of a starting price that is certainly not the final price. The cost of the plaza before it was valued at up to 450 euros, looking high and extended hours, and has now been reduced to 360 euros per month. I'm talking taking into account the extent month, which means it has reduced the cost per seat. Now we have to do the same, well, just as certainly not because the quality has gone down tremendously. Must keep children in nursery-forgiveness, in public primary schools, if you want to continue calling these schools-and for far less money.

other hand, the Community of Madrid does not guarantee the compensation of the difference that can occur between the cost of the stall bid and subsequent public fixed price, no such compensation exists, therefore, the mismatch in what will impact on the quality again is given to the children and the resources they have. Previously funded in August, now the company no longer has the funding and you have to qualify for such activities is complementary said before, and well before was paid maintenance and rush supplies, which now does not happen.

You told me about the technical soundness of the companies that are competing, but of course, is that you think that by being told they are going to hire X number of kindergarten teachers as central units, plus one more "I remind you that those conditions were modified in 2008 - because you can run a nursery school. A nursery school is not to put X number of kindergarten teachers. A quality public school children must have an educational project that run, which involves the entire school organization. Do you ride a company of what was, for any service, hiring a number of workers and without any kind of strategy or mission or goals? I could not do. Well, that's what you're forcing children to these schools, to simply recruiting staff ... Indeed, as the cost of the seats are falling, with ever lower wages and precarious employment situations, what you are doing is turning the schools into those who are kindergarten teachers, under very poor, to care for children not as an educational system, but as a system of "aparcaniños" and "Diaper changing, which is how they see you child's education. Therein lies the main difference has led to new funding system, which is largely in line with how you see early childhood education in the first cycle: for education, but you is not care. Well, to change diapers and give porridge, anyway, what difference does an educational project, right? So do not take into account when the awards and what they have in mind is the lowest price that offer the different companies.

As I say, all these changes are perfectly calculated for you to make our network of public preschools in mere private nurseries, because you wanted no public kindergartens checks but childcare. Well, look, it will be physically impossible to provide educational assistance to the implementation of this new funding model. Mrs. Cowboy

talked about what happened this summer. I wished they had come here on 23 July-I think it was that date, "because the Assembly was full of mothers with their children, and professionals of cooperatives to you with these specifications have taken directly from these contests you may not participate and in dignity because they can not educational projects as low price, and sent us their utter desperation. It was a very large check to the Assembly. In the process gave the award to the 51 schools, more than half were awarded to companies or Gecesa Clece business. I repeat that you say you Gecesa is technically solvent, but I say that anyone is made to a project saying that X is going to hire teachers and you say you have technical competence in education. No, my lord, no. In addition, after the award of these two companies, Gecesa, who had been awarded in nine centers, decides to be. You, at the time commented, or was there a response from the Ministry saying there had been problems in the projects they had submitted. I I do not think a company operating in nine centers, have problems with the specifications or formal problems. I do not believe, I do not think so at all. I have two hypotheses: one, that Gecesa left the management of schools which had been won because he realized that the price had and the insolvent had made it impractical to manage these schools. Two, as you are not stitch without thread and do not do things just because, I think bad, but did not want: as Gecesa is within the group of Arturo Canto Blanco, President of the CISM, a good friend of Mrs. Esperanza Aguirre, maybe what he did to you was a collaboration. I said, you introduce yourself, because it is a mean between the highest bid and lowest, is half price between highest and lowest.

Ms. PRESIDENT: Mrs. Peinado, will end.

Ms. PEINADO VILLEGAS: I conclude, Madam President. Gecesa left, but once it was not recalculated again that average, because he had gone to a company that had the lowest bid and is not returned to recalculate the average price. Therefore, Gecesa caused him to notice a very low price. Maybe he wanted to work with you to make it the lowest price possible and help them in that race by lower costs of child management.

Tell me how you will monitor the quality being provided in schools, because I, like Mrs. Vaquero, are getting complaints from my parents who tell them, hey, I rather I have to change a diaper your child and feed him, I can not do otherwise. We're not talking of education, but to serve the children as best we can. They are saying that parents, mothers and families will not talk, except that you first enter. That is, there will be no participation or involvement of parents in schools. Is that going to watch? I fear not, because what you want is left to companies without any interest in early childhood education management of these schools has cost so many years and successfully manage end. Thanks.

Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Your Honor. Pass the word to the spokesman of the Popular Group Redondo Isabel Alcaide.

Ms. ROUND GOVERNOR: Thank you, Madam President. Teruel also exists. Will forgive SS.SS. my voice is a little sick as a result of a major cold. Try to be extremely brief, because I think I have to say can be done in a few headlines.

ladies and gentlemen, I turn to the opposition, because, of course, what he said Mrs. Director General is but the explanation of a way to manage, with which we agree from the Popular Parliamentary Group, and also do analyzing the experience that is governing. I say this because the experience, not in the Comunidad de Madrid, for 20 years ... By the way, perhaps they should wonder why the locals are subscribing for 20 years, voting to vote, this political project, because something will have water when the blessed, something will have water when they bless. When we take 20 years, I insist I will not be recurring but the truth is just as stubborn, something will ", and the left, in more or less radical faction ... ("Rumors on the benches on the left.") To me, Madam President, I do not care to talk without being heard and at the same time, commented on by opposition groups. I say this because only when I do this kind of manifestation is when I listen, and I thank your Lordships.

Ms. CHAIRPERSON: Proceed, sir. Yes we are listening.

Ms. ROUND GOVERNOR: No, no, I'm sure I heard the Chair, the Director General and my colleagues also, some ladies and gentlemen of the opposition groups listen to me, but at the same time, do a text analysis of these we did when we were in high school. (Mrs. DÍAZ Massa: Please, the question.) I do not think that has to be no lordship of the opposition who called me to the question and ask support from the presidency.

Ms. PRESIDENT: Please, Your Honor, continue.

Ms. ROUND GOVERNOR: Thank you, Madam President. Thank you, Ms. Díaz Masso. As I was saying before, we have 20 years with Governments Popular Party in Madrid, where they have been endorsing, one after another, the educational models, and other areas, which has demonstrated the Popular Party, even with the development of these models we have been presenting, and I stick to that course education.

I'll start by telling you something: the verbal excesses committed SS.SS. from the opposition then they play tricks. I, who have been opposition councilor and councilor of education in my town, I remember the criticism SS.SS. made from the Assembly of Madrid as they were very badly equipped children's schools, the houses of children who had, for example, in my town, and today I come to listen, and is not first time I hear him say, that the preschools and the houses of children of the Community of Madrid have had a reputation and have enjoyed a prestige and an absolutely extraordinary credit. If I cogiera a daily record today, could ... (Mrs. COWBOY GOMEZ: I do not.) Lady Vaquero is not your case personally.

Ms. PRESIDENT: Please do not create dialogue.

Ms. ROUND GOVERNOR: Yes, the spokesman of the United Left which had at that time. Yes, yes, do not shrug your honor, but you are heir logically, as its parliamentary group, what was said here at that time. We put a drop of broth and a donkey because we did not do anything right. Is that this is a problem is to elevate the status of the individual final, here we have someone who understand a little bit of philosophy, is always a risk. The generalization is not good. And you, for example-will allow me the irony, with the dramatic story that has made us a situation, I believe that exceptional performance of that obviously is not what we want for nurseries, the children's houses as a whole, logically, if we raise a final category, what happens? What's all wrong? But why are so sectarian. I've told a thousand times and I repeat without getting tired, lose the power of reason in its arguments to stay with the exceptional, not recognizing that and overwhelming majority of service and quality provided to children first, and parents is very important for the Community of Madrid. I will not dwell in the discourse of education from zero to three years is not mandatory. I think the Community of Madrid and the Government of Esperanza Aguirre are doing a quite extraordinary effort to try to satisfy the needs of parents, I am convinced, but I'll tell you from experience that I treasure: one, parents do not mind paying 40 euros a month. It is an opinion, ma'am Vaquero, including their ideological positions and mine is a corridor of minimum difference. But the impression we get into the Community of Madrid in the Popular Party, is that people rely less on the total free, people want a service and know you have to contribute. I am saying this because maybe one day I take the trouble, the need for a while, to check what are the councils of the United Left, and a socialist council. For example, in San Fernando and Rivas almost know me, but there are some socialist municipality is home to the emerging socialist leader from Madrid who it has privatized everything except transportation. Is that we're going to take a surprise, is that we must be very careful because we fall into a thing called political cynicism, and that's what confuses the electorate, that's what the electorate does not believe the politicians, when politicians sell a thing, and I say the politicians of the left-and then do another, because we are a predictable choice and a reliable option because the locals know what they want. They know that we want to give up their children, they know they want their children to learn in schools. I believe that we are here mainly, apart from a lady Camins, who is the youngest of all present- all more or less have been through the same kind of education. Here are some teachers who can confirm or not if the quality is in our classrooms is better, worse or mediopensionista. It's a rhetorical question that the parliamentary technique SS.SS. I certainly understand, is a rhetorical question. In this regard, we fully with the Director General and the Government of President. We believe that the exceptional circumstances experienced by the English economy's not forget, "Madrid's economy, perhaps open to have plan B" in the war economy in which we live, we are doing our best without lowering the quality one iota and is still quite supported by the locals, despite the evil that some. Thank you very much.

Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Your Honor. I call on the Director General.

Ms. DIRECTOR GENERAL OF EDUCATION AND PRIMARY (Pérez-Llorca Zamora): Thank you, Madam President. I thank the spokespersons of the parliamentary groups interventions, particularly the Popular Group, with whose contributions could not agree more.

regard to the operations of the Socialist Group and United Left parliamentary group believe that, together, we make an effort to lay the basis of what we are really discussing here today in this hearing, because I see a lot of confusion, much political turmoil, a lot of ideological confusion, and I also see something that concerns me is a profound misunderstanding of the Contract Act, how it works a contest of how to make an award, I would call deep ignorance ignorance. I know that the Law of Contracts is long and is heavy read it, but what we are discussing here is nothing that management models and the ideology behind each of them, and we can talk all you want . A very different is the custom with defending SS.SS be erected in early childhood education, trying to accuse the government in a way inconsistent, poorly studied and unjustified attack on childhood education. This position, which we are accustomed to and quite frankly we are weary, it is unacceptable, colleagues, and more for a government like this that has shown, schools and creating open spaces of unquestionable quality, ladies and gentlemen, that education of children is one of priorities even in times of budgetary constraints. So, ladies and gentlemen, here we are discussing is what kind of system we want, if we want a system that helps to grow, which contributes to the growing network of early childhood education in a fiscally sustainable or you want more spending, more debt, more deficit, and therefore know that, ladies and gentlemen: more taxes.

is not true, ladies and gentlemen, is not it, that has deteriorated the quality of primary schools, that is to distort, is to manipulate reality. And I will repeat why: all schools are functioning normally, the families were satisfied and none of you would be able to distinguish, visiting different schools, which have been allocated according to what specifications, neither you nor the families, because the Ministry is Always ensures prime quality in all projects.

Look, I said that its interventions have confusing, and have been confusing, because it is not clear its position regarding the indirect, which is why I have asked, it is not clear. Mrs. Cowboy did not want to say what their position, I understand how difficult it is to defend the ideological approach of the last century in the XXI century Madrid, I understand that it is very difficult. We have had a soap opera of a person called Chari, which I have not the pleasure of knowing. When managing, as is done in my Department, 440 primary schools and 800 public schools, I assure you that there are incidents every day, it is inevitable, Honor, and there are people, some people, the least they do a bad job, this seems to be the case that Chari, which I repeat, do not know. What we are talking about is not the situation of a school in which something goes wrong, if that person, that Chari, does things wrong would be wrong if it were official, if workforce, if cooperative or-employed others. Anyway, if there is an incident at a school will be addressed and should be addressed. And I certainly, personally, I will take care to see what is happening in that school to see if it's true what you have. But know that it is not at all symptomatic, which is purely anecdotal, and there is no doubt that in any case deserves to be treated. Lady

Peinado, not is clear to me what is your position on the indirect, it is clear to me. Looks like it agrees with the indirect, but not to our specifications, another thing is when he does a socialist government, but the specifications are the same. Mrs. Peinado, really, I put you in the mirror of its contradictions, I'm sorry but I have no choice. If you agree with the indirect management of public primary schools, if your party agrees, because it takes place and also agree, at least now, with a balanced budget and austerity in times of crisis, and it looks like it is, I do not know if you still defending indiscriminate public spending, I know you are very confusing, but if even the central government has already become a champion of austerity and the Ministry of Education, Your Honor, cut its budget by more than 8 percent, Your Honor, if those things are true and, moreover, we found that the outcome of the awards is positive and that the schools maintain their quality, the lesson is that our specifications are indisputable and are very similar to those used by socialist governments. That is true, and the rest are hypotheses and inventions.

I think it has become clear that award a child to a business school education is not a legal impossibility, but also the facts prove it. Name me, Your Honor, awarded a single entity that has no previous experience in education. There is not and I know very well, Your Honor, is not it because that company you mentioned has more than one hundred schools throughout Spain. All primary schools are managed and some that you mentioned are managed in Andalusia or managed in Catalonia, but when that same company that seamlessly manages preschools in communities governed by socialists runs a nursery school in Madrid and is a scandal, and you know why, although we have seen a tendency to contradict when they are in government and when are in opposition. I, unlike you, Your Honor, I'm not here to defend any entity or cooperative, limited partnership or employment company large or small, we do advocate is the extraordinary growth of the utility and quality. Lady

Peinado, I have to say that his statements about the company Gecesa is the worst and most offensive that I have listened to you in this House, but otherwise is absurd and indicates once again the lack of how to make an award and how a public competition. I, unlike you, I have no immunity and therefore I will not answer if the answer you may have otherwise but I tell you it is disqualified, honor, and deserves no response. Probably is accusing me of something that is established, your honor, or so think about that before doing so.

seems you do have personal preferences for institutions large or small, it seems you do have that, because estudiense, again, the Contracts and realize what is the greatness of the procurement. Contract Law is a socialist, estudiénsela. Earn the best project that we is not ideologically akin, nor that we fall more sympathetic, or the which is a cooperative, but to win the better. You want to award a cooperative and I want the best project award, and best, here, and socialist governments is the result of a combination of criteria where quality but also takes into account the price and I think it has become clear that this criterion we share with socialist governments.

to be ending, I think this is already the Legislature last year but for you, ladies and gentlemen, really seems to pass the time, for almost four years are anchored in the same speech catastrophic. For the public network of early childhood education itself time has passed since the Legislature began with 31,000 seats and we'll end up with 44,000, and that means 13,000 new jobs, 13,000 families in Madrid that they can reconcile their work and family life and know that leaving their children in centers of high quality. That is what we, from the Government, have done. You have spent years making announcements of major disasters and again and again, and again made a mistake and are still wrong. Ladies and gentlemen, your fears, if you really had, have proved unfounded.

public education system the children of the Community of Madrid has grown from an extraordinary and, despite attempts by the opposition going to place stones on our path, we have Madrid put at the head of the school enrollment rate from zero to three years in Spain and the European Union, and all we have done combining efficiency and quality in difficult budgetary times. Thank you very much.

Ms. PRESIDENT: Thank you, Director General. We spent the last item on the agenda.

5 º Any other .

Do any of SS.SS.
wishes to make a request or question to the table? ("Refusals.") There being no questions pleas was adjourned.

("It was twelve hours and thirty-eight minutes.")


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